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Would love a way to go back to the old UI, even if it never gets updated with new features.

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The new GUI looks and feels like a mobile / touch-sceen  layout vor a vertical display. i dont have neither. half of my monitor isnt used and i have fewer info an the sceen at one glance then before. 

And black Font on black Buttons on black Background is realy bad for contrast, to discern sth. , an its depressing to look at. 

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i don't like the new one either, pls either fix the flaws, or revert back. I use a 32 inch 4k monitor and still have to scroll a lot more then before to see the same info. Search function has some improvements but also got worse in other ways

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+1 yeah the new layout sucks hard. I dont like it at all. the other one was playful, unique and it just felt right. This one is bland boring and it feels like one of my company (i work in a big corporation ) design; empty and cold

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