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AMERICA-The World's Unofficial Police


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Deadtree, draighox lives in his own imaginary world and is completely immune to reality, you waste your time talking sense to him!


And if they are ever found to be wrong (god forbid), they can just blame Canada, the American's scapegoat for all life's little problems ;)

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Deadtree, draighox lives in his own imaginary world and is completely immune to reality, you waste your time talking sense to him!


And if they are ever found to be wrong (god forbid), they can just blame Canada, the American's scapegoat for all life's little problems ;)


Don't you mean 'communism' rather than 'Canada'? :laugh2:

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Nope, that merely indicates that US are doing nothing wrong, since UN doesn't have problem with them about napalm and civilian deaths. If fact, no-one has, except for a few whiney people.


Right, so, as long as only a few 'whiney people' say it's wrong, it's not wrong, then. Does that mean that if the US had kept this quiet, so that no-one knew about it, and therefore no-one complained, it would be right by default?


If the German WW2 concentration camps had never been discovered, and therefore no-one complained about them, (apart from maybe a few 'whiney people', such as the Jews, homosexuals, black people, etc, etc, etc, whose friends and relatives had suddenly disappeared) would that also make that right?


If they were doing something wrong, UN could announce it officially so that other countries push US to stop "bombing civilians".


...or perhaps they felt they didn't need to as there was, like, treaties against it, and stuff?


Deadtree, draighox lives in his own imaginary world and is completely immune to reality, you waste your time talking sense to him!


Sometimes, I do really wonder... :/

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Hey draighox,

Keep asking questions and form your own opinions. Some Europeans will never tire of telling you about the arrogance and cruelty of America. They believe we are in a terrible mess and heading for disaster. We are just too stupid to realize it.

Somehow we continue to live in our own world. Somehow we continue to believe in the future.

Sometimes it's tough being the Great Satan...

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I'm not a European.


I'm 100% American. I'm generations removed from anything that resembles my ancestor's nations of birth. I just take issue with some of my fellow citizens lack of curiosity for the truth.


Yeah, do as the man says, keep asking questions. But, unfortunatlY, the answers will not always be what you want to hear. You have to form your opinions off the truth, not just the parts you can stomach to believe.

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AFAIK draighox is not an American but a European. He can correct me on that if I am wrong.


Dilvish, I believe everyone should form their own opinions and don't expect them to be the same as mine. However I know the USA well and have been there a great deal. I have lived there and in other countries of the world too. Compared with most developed countries, nearly all of the US media is mind-blastingly one-sided in its reporting. Most Americans have no real understanding of international issues because they have no easy way of hearing unbiased accounts of what is going on. Those Americans who live abroad frequently change their views of their own country simply because they learn of the wider picture.


Some in Europe (draighox is a European although he actually inhabits somewhere mainly populated by clouds and cuckoos) do support the American government. Most I suspect have an ambivalent attitude agreeing with some things, disagreeing, sometimes strongly, with others and neutral on most.


Perhaps you have lived abroad for some time, Dilvish, and hold your opinions from experience, but if not I'd try not to become too dogmatic until that opportunity has presented itself. You may not change your views but they will mean more when you have 'experienced' more than one side.

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White Wolf


I'm not saying that if a thing is not seen, it's not bad. But you can't expect me to believe an outrageous nonsence, especially when there is no proof.


...or perhaps they felt they didn't need to as there was, like, treaties against it, and stuff?

So what do you suggest to do if someone ignores treaties and stuff? Sit back and do nothing?

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