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how many people play a pure evil character


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I have been annoyed for well a long time because most games are geared towards being the good guy, and when people find a game where you can be evil they stay good. everytime! are there any other evil players out there?






A master of everything and max attributes



I have broken every law there is in oblivion, I have never been killed or arrested.

I am the head of all factions And have so much gold I can buy every thing in the game many times over. There has to be more evil players around :thanks:

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Not evil unless I need to be for the most part. But I also do what I want, when I want, depends on my mood. But mostly I'm probably like a Robin Hood type character. Unless you're poor and mucked up in some way (like Rufio), then you gets no mercy, lol
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One of my PC's is just or a slaughter fest. She has no money, owns no houses or horses. She can't buy or sell anything. I don't know what her stats are, all I know is that from the beginning of the game she has killed everyone she has come into contact with. I even tried to kill the emperor but the game will not allow it.


How can you say your PC is "pure evil" and still lead factions and earn money? Sounds to me like maybe your PC is more of the Dr. Evil of Oblivion.

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That is something of a misguided concept, exanimis. Pure evil character is not nesessarily antisocial. He/she just never considers needs and lives of any other persons or even societies above his/her own needs or simply whims. He/she may be reasonable and do something that looks noble - to help him/herself. Like closing an Oblivion gate. Even evil characters may easily be threatened by daedra. Though probably such a character is supposed to enjoy ruining lives/slaughtering innocents and so on, he/she doesn't have to be a reckless berserker.


On the topic: none. Though most of my characters will not hesitate to kill to save themselves, may have done deeds described as evil without remorse and hardly will play errand boys/girls just for the sake of greater good, every single one of them has a conscience. It's just life is rather complicated for them. It wouldn't be interesting otherwise.


One of my characters was a berserker you describe for some time, meaning hating everyone and killing anyone he meets without a second thought, but he was completely insane at that time and badly misguided prior to it. So that doesn't count as well.

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i genrely play as a paladin, meaning that i could harm any not-hostile NPC. If i get cahsed my the guards for some reason i ussualy surrender but i seldom commit crimes.

However i have a feamle thief charratec that is pretty evil, but she dosen't show thath in her behavior. I don't kill no-one with her i just rob avery house for my/her fun.

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Not seldom a real evil character would appear and be confused with a real saint. Should not be strange evil is at easier to pass by good than the good, since lying and deceiving are their prime attributes.


Would give a kudos to Sarya if did not have done already :)


PS: Nonsense brutality is mere psychotic behavior, more an illness than evilness.

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