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Required files notification and comment download history update


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In response to post #11617699.

Not to be off topic--not Canadian...from the wild and wonderful Mountains of West Virginis (and yes we have black bear here.)

Though I have two words here...trapper keeper.
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This is a truly useful feature. Hopefully, this will help out troubleshooting in the future.


By the way, is there a way you could implement a feature that would check if users read the documentation included with a mod? <-- Yes, a joke. ;)


Thank you for this and all your hard work. :)

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As someone who has downloaded and tracks lots of mods, I'm dismayed at the possibility of yet another click requirement added to my download process -- it adds up fast, particularly for manual downloaders like me.

For manual downloading, the process is click to go to a mod page, click the Files tab, click to choose a file, click to choose a server, click to confirm the notification, and click to close the download box. So it's going from 5 clicks to 6, around 15% more.

Here's an example that sprung to mind after I looked at my current number of tracked-file notifications (545):

For 5 notifications, it's not such a big deal, just 5 more clicks. For 50 notifications, though, it's 50 more clicks. And for my current notifications, it's potentially over 500 more clicks.

The number of clicks required increases further for mods with multiple files and for download failures.

It's a bit daunting to face another click every. single. mod. and every. single. download. for those mods that have requirements added.


Please allow users to opt out of this new feature. Thank you.

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While I understand that this should be a helpful feature for mod authors, I am a bit concerned about privacy. Some European countries are very strict about giving personal information away to third parties, especially without prior notice, and giving parts of my personal download history to mod authors can definitely be seen as such.


So I suggest to update your privacy policy regarding that new feature - and require the users to accept the change.


Or offer this feature as a opt-in e.g. as a check box like "supply download history for better support" when posting a comment.

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It's a damn shame that all users now have to go through an extra step when downloading just because some people are unwilling to read or just plain rude. But if it helps make the authors' lives more pleasant, I'm all for it. There wouldn't be any downloads without them, so fine, I'll do the extra clicking.
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In response to post #11635654.

You're kinda exaggerating a bit about the privacy bit, what you're talking about refers more to real personal information that can do you harm. This simply only notifies the mod author that you as a user that comments on his mod, have downloaded his content and the required mods, nothing more. It doesn't affect you with anything.

e.g. from my own mod/comment:

"(file name), downloaded 23:16, 17 March 2013".

Think of it like the forums on Steam, if you have the said game, there will be an icon indicating that after your name. Edited by eSoDian
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In response to post #11635654. #11638727 is also a reply to the same post.

I live in france and i can say that my country is very rigid on the rights of people you'd probably be in complete illegality here, just because of a few ignorant who can not read a read me.


I don't live in France and I am not an attorney. However I have worked a great deal with the privacy laws in the US so I have a good familiarity of it and though it may be more strict in France it is the same concepts. The only time that what you downloaded can be viewed is when you post on the mod you downloaded. If it has dependent mods then it will show the mod author that you downloaded (or didn't) that mod and any required mods. That is the only thing it shows them.


Posting in a thread you pretty much give up the right to privacy in regards to your interest or viewing of that mod. Anyone who reads the thread will know you at least checked it out. What privacy is there to lose at that point? Only the mod author will see if you downloaded their file/the required files. For example, if you download a mod that is a skimpy armor that needs a nude body mod to function. You say in the thread that the armor is clipping-then anyone that reads this can know that you did indeed download that mod and most likely the required mod. You have given up the information yourself. If you have not downloaded the mod and post there then people can assume you downloaded it but no one would see any download history to confirm because you didn't download it.


So basically the information we give to the author you are giving up yourself. We only confirm it to the author so they can know how better to help you. We do not ever give out personal (names, addresses, email, phone) or financial information to someone without the proper authority to have it. Any personal info given out would be in the content you posted on the forums/file thread or given by you on your member profile.


And since eSoDian mentioned Steam...well you can see what games someone has and even when and how many hours they have played. Everyone can see this. I have not heard of this ever being blocked in any countries (though I could be wrong.) What is being provided here is far less info and is only available to a limited audience and only once you post in that specific thread.

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In response to post #11632903.

"Please allow users to opt out of this new feature. Thank you."

I agree. I've been trying to download an update for a file I've already been successfully using, and the new popup is annoying, especially when I see it over and over again as I try to get past a "file not found" error on different servers.
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