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Coca-Cola touched Controversy over airing a new Super Bowl Ad?


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As everyone might have watched the Super Bowl yesterday, seemed the Puppy Bowl was more exciting to watch as The Broncos got their butts totally handed to them throughout the entire game, even before the game was even close to being over. Seemed more like people ended up talking more about Bruno Mars and the commercial ads that aired during the super bowl than actually talking about the game.


During the super Bowl a Coca-Cola ad seems to have opened the eyes of a large amount of American conservatives in outrage over hearing "America the beautiful" being spliced up and ultimately sung out in a rendition with both English, Arabic, Spanish, as well as other languages. To add insult to injury for these people who didn't like the commercial, seems the ad also prominently features a gay couple....


If you ask me, seemed the message the company was trying to throw out there was lost, trying to showing america is really the melting pot of the world...


Former congressman Allen West took time to write a blog post during the game to voice his displeasure. Seems he was not pleased...


"Then the words went from English to languages I didn’t recognize," a troubled West wrote, calling it "a truly disturbing commercial."


"If we cannot be proud enough as a country to sing 'American (sic) the Beautiful' in English in a commercial during the Super Bowl, by a company as American as they come — doggone we are on the road to perdition," he wrote.


I could post more examples but I think one can get the point just by emphasizing on this one alone....



The question is, do your really find this new coca-cola ad such an outrage?


Also, depending on your answer, please explain why or why not....

Edited by colourwheel
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Nope. I wasn't mad at all. I was glad actually. Coca-Cola has always put culture before it's roots. the fact that they sang it in different languages shows that they're bringing a sense of familiarity to Americans who's native language isn't English. I think we are on the road to perdition though for the simple reason that there's more outrage over a commercial than things that really need to be discussed that's already on the table.

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I think it's a very powerful commercial that speaks to the original ideologies that came out of the Enlightenment, despite the fact that a lot of those ideas had to be modified over the years for a more egalitarian approach. Personally, I think that man is an idiot. Oh no, we didn't sing America the Beautiful in English. By god, summon the inquisitors of intolerance.


This land, which most people in this country seem to forget half of the time, IS A LAND OF IMMIGRANTS. Besides those with Native American heritage, and speaking in a relatively small time span (in other words, excluding the land bridge theory), everyone in the United States is descended from at least one person who came from across the ocean. It was, after all, founded mostly by Europeans who were searching for certain freedoms, which didn't matter to them if the Indians were exterminated.


Anyway, it is not un-american to embrace other cultures because it is what we are known for. What is is to turn our backs on our own history, a history which is full of immigrants who contributed immensely, not just to the fabric of our culture, but to our nation's rise as one of the major forerunners of the modern age. That is what the Statue of Liberty stands for: a symbol of that idea, an idea which our nation is built upon:


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send those, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me:

I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Overall, the ad was okay, could have been so much better. What let it down, to me, was the song being sung in different languages. It has zip to do with politics, and my own personal preference with songs. I prefer songs in their original language, doesn't matter if that language is English, Russian, German, Arabic, Japanese, etc. I have found over the years that I prefer hearing songs in their native language, the flow of the words and rhythm is best. Occasionally you get a good translated song.

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Here is what I think of when I see stuff like that posted by politicians or whoever...


Well I got ninja'd by Keanu


Also need I remind folks of an OLD Coke commercial that got a lot of flack back in the day?








edit: maybe they should send someone over with a grinding tool to take that stuff off the Statue of Liberty while we are at it...:P

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It’s good to see some resistance to the on-going cultural displacement of the American founding stock.


Coca-Cola has no loyalty to the United States, or any country. They don’t care about national identity, heritage, or cultural continuity. They are an amoral multi-national company that only cares about profits. What they are doing is appropriating a patriotic song for their own greedy motives. “Who cares if the United States turns into a modern day Babylon? At least we made some mega-bucks!”


These same multi-national companies are the ones that support mass-immigration. They don’t care where you’re from, or what language you speak. They don’t distinguish between an American whose family settled the United States 400 years ago and built its national culture between someone who arrived yesterday. All they see are customers, and 'market potential'.


Immigration policy is determined by big business, who do you think lobbies for H1Bs? It isn't Obama, its Apple, Microsoft, Google, Walmart et al

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Big business supporting immigration? well I never, I wonder why they would do that? not that the left cares, increased unemployment and lowered wages are a small price to pay for their multicultural homogenised "paradise".

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