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New Forum Skin Feedback


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Hi folks,


I wanted a change from the previous fixed-size forum skin, and since Gaming Source will soon be changing it seemed only right to change the forums too.


Let me know if you find any bugs, things you don't like, etc.

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Ha I thought I clicked on the wrong link at first. For what it's worth, I like the colours.


Edit: For me the mini profile button under the avatar seems to be missing.

Edited by Stampede
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Ha I thought I clicked on the wrong link at first.


Yes, that’s exactly what I thought (‘must have clicked the wrong link – but wait….’).


The new skin’s not bad, quite elegant in a way. Maybe the font colour really could be slightly brighter.

No bugs found, in fact an annoying ‘bug’ disappeared finally! (Probably I was the only one who got this little pop-up window saying something about a missing ‘(‘ expected. It used to show up each time I changed the page. I almost got used to it…) ;)

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Holy Cow. I'm gone for one day and look what you do to the place.


Nice Job.


The mini profile button if missing for me as well but other wise.... Nice Job.

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Wow! I really like it. :D Very sleek. Took me by surprise!


Nice job Dark0ne.


Ohh and the moderator options have taken on an evil red glow. Muwhaha. Ahem.

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Well, found a bug. Check out the poll here, I don't think the code's supposed to show. The green does look cool, though.


I'm not seeing any green, or any code :S


The only thing a bit buggy there is the red background that's recurring 3 times, which looks a bit bad.


I think I might try and make the font colour a little be brighter.

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Well, found a bug. Check out the poll here, I don't think the code's supposed to show. The green does look cool, though.


I'm not seeing any green, or any code :S


The only thing a bit buggy there is the red background that's recurring 3 times, which looks a bit bad.


I think I might try and make the font colour a little be brighter.

You need to hit Show Results. If you just view the pre-vote stuff you can't see what's wrong. ^^ I'm seeing the same thing as Abramul. I'm using Mozilla Browser, if that helps any. A bunch of BAR_LEFT and BAR_RIGHT tags to either side of the bars.


Also, that's much better with the font. I think it was a little too faded before.

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