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Oblivion: Video Game Promoting WITCHCRAFT, SATANISM, & POLYTHEISM


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So being a christian is the biggest sin one can commit to the people around him or her, because nothing is more annoying.


The rest of your post I can agree with, simply because the people on that site are nothing more than hateful and ignorant twisted people whose weapon happens to be christianity.


People like that give christianity a bad name.


This being said, I don't think it's at all fair for you to say being a christian at all is an annoyance to others, a sin even.


Just considering the logic of your statement falls back poorly on you. "Sin" is a concept of wrong, primarily associated with christianity. If you come from the point of view as an athiest, then "Sin" is moot because you dont believe in it to begin with.


You can't name a flock a black flock because it has one black sheep. It is true that a group is only as strong as its weakest member. But this is only half the truth. By the same logic, a group is only as weak as its strongest member. Yes, there are a lot of bad and downright horrible things done by christians in the name of God, but there's also a lot of good that's come out of it.


As for me...I seriously believe religion should be a personal matter and not a public one. I honestly think churches were the worst thing to ever happen to christianity. If you wear your beliefs on your sleeve, then people will come after you for them. But as the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind". Personal beliefs are people's own business.


I'm surprised that this thread is still going. In the "debates" section, there's a ban on religious debates, so I don't see why they can't make that policy universal. And they were banned for the simple reason that religion is too touchy of a topic to even begin to debate about, and almost always ends in flame wars, and overall isn't doing anyone good.


I've said my piece.


Oh, and It's a parody site.



Fine, so I guess protestants are okay. Will that end this foundation to what may becomme a conflict?

And I doubt it's a parody site, seems abit too extreme for that.



Also: Joined the forums... Got over -16000 REP... I feel so proud.

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well that was interesting to say the least lmfao. so the thread was gone so i began wandering their forums by the nine these people are *ban* nuts. the sad part is ive met some christian fanatic's like them and it is highly irritating. i have friends who are just straight up christian and they are awesome but fanatics like this are just way more then i can handle. i couldnt help but notice one of them go on a tangent because someone said that a democrat would be in office not a republican and the guys tangent was about how the democrat was a ignorant bigot wtf? lets see the 2 meanings of bigot that i know are an excessively devoted or hypocritical person. or One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. so by them saying that they use my first definition. for me i feel everyone has the right to their own religion, but when a religion thinks that it has "control" over everyone and everything and what they say goes for everyone there is a problem. sorry just because you believe in heaven and hell doesnt mean i have to. freedom of religion is what this country was founded on but they say that this is a christian nation? oh septum kill me now. *sigh* and people wonder why i cant wait for apocalypse to happen. come on bring it open up those oblivion gates let me in im done.


ok im done ranting. and now i dont actually say by the nine, oh septum kill me now and such, i just thought it would be funny because of what this thread was about lol.

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Wow found video on internet search. probably have it on you tube. wow. That hits me hard mostly because i am a southern baptist christian. They give me, my friends, and my family a bad name. I really hope that is a joke site. If it is not, God have mercy on thier souls, because they are going to need it. (Oblivion take them!)
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Wow found video on internet search. probably have it on you tube. wow. That hits me hard mostly because i am a southern baptist christian. They give me, my friends, and my family a bad name. I really hope that is a joke site. If it is not, God have mercy on thier souls, because they are going to need it. (Oblivion take them!)



my my....i watched a video of the creator/founder of the website...


and i have to say..with great dismay...



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