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Integrated support and separation for other languages


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Some mods host multiple translations on their main mod page, but you can only choose one language in the drop down.

And yes texture/mesh/animation replacer mods are generally language independent. It could be an option: Any

Edited by LeanWolf
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First, I support the feature. A good idea that will speed identifying mods I can use (though it would be cool if I learned Turkish). The only easily handled issue would be to add an "All" language category for mods that are language independent.
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I think this is a great feature. But if I may offer a few suggestion, I think the updater should be allowed to choose more than one language in case their mod support multiple languages and instead of completely opting out translation mods, how about adding a feature to choose a default language (maybe in the user profile) so when the user browse around they only see mods that correspond with their chosen default language unless they specifically choose other language in the search menu.
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Really, not just translations. All the derivatives/variants of a mod should be posted as some sort of sub-postings.


All the different versions of the same armours (for different bodies) should be accessed with a single entry point, and then you should be able to navigate the different variations. All the different textures of an armour should all be found as links or sub-posts of the armour it's the retexture of, not an entirely free standing mod of its own.

Same thing with translations. There should be one main page, one posting for Frostfall, for example, and all the translations should be posted as some kind of related post or sub-posts to it.


When you search Frostfall, you would get one and only one hit result. Then all the frostfall add-ons, translations, and variations should be found within that result. At least that's what I think.


Of course it's not always the case that one add-on of a mod relates solely to one main mod. But still, there could be some kind of cross reference system, or tagging.


This will of course require a "fundamental" rework of how things are organized on Nexus, but this would really make things so much better.

Edited by tillicollpase
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So I changed my file attributes to "Normal file/mod" and set lang to "English"

Now it's gone from search results and no longer shows under UI category.

(It was there yesterday, and I have not hidden it)


EDIT: Nvm, changed back from "English" to "" and it shows up correctly.

Edited by trains4
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I think this is a great idea, If the authors tag there mods. I have long used the search button to look for mods and have all other languages blocked. The problem is that a lot of mods won't show up if you hit English. for example, Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, the concept is great, but only if the authors fix there mods. Lets hope!
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For people saying you need an "Any" tag, are you telling me you've written your descriptions in all the languages out there? The language tag is as much the language of your description as it is the language of your actual mod contents. If your mod is a texture mod but the description is in English then that's an English mod. The language filters are for people looking for file pages and files themselves in their specific language.

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In response to post #11899907. #11901765 is also a reply to the same post.

Are you telling me people actually read the description pages?
Sorry, as a mod author I couldn't resist. :D

But yeah, what Gruftlord said. We were assuming that this feature was to facilitate finding mods that have specific language compatibility, not the descriptions. Doesn't Nexus ask that English be used here? I thought I read that somewhere. Edited by LeanWolf
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