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Future Elder Scrolls Weapons


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Halberds and polearms!


Throwing knives!




Dwemer Crossbows!


Dual-Wielding weaponry!


a Lance, for horse combat and jousting!


a huge, spiked shield that you can bash people with!


Special gloves that increase hand-to-hand damage!


Spiked Gauntlets!!!


And some kind of special, mysterious, unique and powerful sword, Excalibur-like, with a very-hard non-leveled sidequest behind it! *-*

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A tame beast thing where you can tame a companion if it is under the beast category. The beast would gain levels along with you and would have abilities based on what beast it is.


Yes, like wow.



See also: weapon attacks you can macro like spells.

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Combat staffs or staffs in general that can be used to fry someone with a blast of magic or break their skull open with a powerattack if they get to close. Really I'd be ok with the weapons the elderscrolls had in Morrowind if there were actually good animations for them and more tactics involved (I mean click click click = a slash combo wtf? wheres the strategy in that?) did medieval knights go out and just stab each other with their swords like they were sewing needles? or whack each other as if they were weilding rubber chickens? NO they used uppercuts, downstrokes, slashes, lunges, and stabs in deadly combinations at key times to get in under their opponents' guards and penetrate weakpoints not just hacking willy nilly hoping to eventually kill them.
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