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Anyone miss Hellgate London?

Harabec Weathers

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Maaaan Hellgate London, I miss it so.

I miss pulling together with a team of holy warriors, cabalists, or skilled hunters and going on brutal demon rampages

I miss running solo through the Wilds and brawling with Moloch


Hellgate was some good time

I miss my level 50 rank 27 Blademaster, with his dual Hikitas Lamentation swords. Outlaw_Star was his name

*Sobs uncontrolably*


Anyone else get crack hooked on Hellgate?

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Me i personally don't miss it at all, i gave it away to friend of mine, and never thought twice about it, the graphics where really repetitive and boring, for instants the same textures over and over again, like the zombie's, and the scenery. All i am saying it felt rushed.
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Me i personally don't miss it at all, i gave it away to friend of mine, and never thought twice about it, the graphics where really repetitive and boring, for instants the same textures over and over again, like the zombie's, and the scenery. All i am saying it felt rushed.


I do agree wo a degree. All the levels were the same building after building, same texture repeated across a level to make the maps.

But found the gameplay addicting lol, for me it was a more advanced version of Diablo 2, which I also loved (hail the level 87 paladin!)

I do niss it lol. But only the multiplayer, the single player was craaaaaap lol

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Personally thought it was a terrible game. It was touted as the next Diablo and seriously failed to deliver. Repetitive, unexciting, boring. It took all the parts of an MMO that make it crap and put it in to a non-MMO game.
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I do agree that it was full of holes, i dont disagree at all. Im not really a fan of MMORPGs, Im like the only person I know who doesnt play WoW because frankly, I doesnt look all that fun. Plus Im not a fan of paying monthly just to play a game. Not my cup of tes ya know.

With hellgate, it wasnt that it was an innovative game (lol, not by a longshot) but the only people I got on and played with was my stepdad and my friend adam.

And playing like that was fun as hell, I guess it was because I was playing with people whom Im good friends with lol. If they werent on I really didnt play it. The single player mode was garbage lol.

I have to say, that if my stepdad didnt bug me insistanly about getting it, I never would have bought it lol.

But for 20 bucks, I didnt make too much fuss over it lol.

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Hellgate was one I was looking to get until I found out about all the crud they wanted to do to the people who bought the game, So I could say I'm glad I missed it


I tried WoW, It was merely ok (at first) but I didn't like the nagging feeling I was obligated to play because I was paying. it was like I was paying to a job (which was a fun killer for me)

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