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Thanks for the explanation.

I built it myself, but the IT guys added the box to the parts I chose. I guess it's my fault for not thinking about the PSU and Motherboard, but I was 16 years old back then so. It didn't crash but my FPS in games is kinda slow, considering I'm looking at videos of people playing Far Cry 3 at Ultra and mine is not being optimal with med-high settings.


Now the question is if I should bother fixing it all and getting new parts (PSU, Mobo, Case), or not since I'm getting a laptop in summer for Uni.

FC3 needs an overclocked 7970/760 or a stock GTX 770 to reach 60FPS on ultra, a 7870/660 for 30FPS on ultra. Your 6870 is more in the line of 7790/R9 260X which are budget cards. That's assuming you have a 1080p screen which doesn't help one bit in regards to performance, my 1440x900 coupled with the same card can reach nearly double the FPS compared to coupling that card with a 1080p screen (my card can run Skyrim at 20-30FPS on a 1080p screen (ultra setting) while it runs at 45-60FPS on a 1440x900). But I got a trick or FC3 - disable MSAA and use FXAA instead through GamerProfile.xml, it'll skyrocket the framerate. :thumbsup:


I never ran AA in the first place, and my card can run Skyrim on Ultra at 60FPS (When I say Ultra, I mean with AA off and everything else on maximum. I hate Anti Aliasing [though I do use FXAA sometimes], and I turn off settings that kill FPS for no reason. In Skyrim it was one setting that had something to do with water. Besides that, everything else was on max.)


Far Cry 3 is kind of well optimized, but still it kind of isn't. Many people have micro stuttering even with great cards and the FPS is low no matter how low you set the settings. Some people fix it by enabling Vsync, tripple buffering, borderless mode, disabling Post FX and other silly things. For me, what did the trick was switching to DirectX9, DirectX11 causes horrible microstutter even on lowest settings. I also locked the framerate to 30 (frame dips make my head hurt), and I set everything to high/very high. It runs perfectly now :happy: Even when loading new terrain, quickly turning the camera, etc. No stutter whatsoever.


And I think my computer does need a better PSU and maybe motherboard, I feel like it's holding my whole system back. But I think it's too late for that now, I'll get a laptop for Uni soon and I'll keep the 1000Kn that I'd loose on upgrading this PC for a better lappy.


I don't know many good mobile GPU's and CPU's, so I'll have to do some researching about good gaming laptops. It should last me at least 5 years too.


Thanks for taking the time to reply btw, I appreciate it.

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Hi! (6 hours late but still, hi.) :tongue:



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