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We are the Borg. Lower your hands and surrender your win. We will use your computers to upgrade our own. Your hardware will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile. http://www.phpbbireland.com/forum/images/smilies/iamborg.gif
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My ninja kitties are destroying my lounge, leaping all over the place as they are learning to jump (and in some cases not to gracefully either).


I'm dreading tomorrow as my new leather sofas are being delivered and I think they will be used as expensive scratching posts and catnip.... hell, they've knocked off my table lamp and candles.... damn and blast them lmao


:D :D

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My girlfriend had a cat, she got rid of him after he dug a few holes in her flower garden and destroyed her roses. I hated that cat, he always peed on my slippers and used my cellphone as a scratching post.
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"You deny the darkness in your soul! You deny your POWER!" - Veigar, the Tiny Master or Evil



Edited by leirynot
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Well I'm off to bed and will lock my early warning systems downstairs (although Binx - a dog, and Peaches - ninja kitties mum, both know how to open the blasted door). Will most probably be woken up in 6 hours or so as they will want my bed


Take care all

Naomi xxx

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