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Steam sale next year, I'm not gonna buy ANYTHING until it's on flash sale.... Deus Ex:HR is in the vote for 75% off now, and I got it at 50% off 2 days ago... EVERYONE VOTE FOR SKYRIM OR MW3 INSTEAD!
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Tip if ya looking for a original airing of a show, note if its exactly 10 minutes long, the show has been cut and edited from its original..
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Steam sale next year, I'm not gonna buy ANYTHING until it's on flash sale.... Deus Ex:HR is in the vote for 75% off now, and I got it at 50% off 2 days ago... EVERYONE VOTE FOR SKYRIM OR MW3 INSTEAD!

The one thing I hate about these vote sales, is the reactions people just spew out of their strange ten year old minds. If something won the vote, clearly more people like that game despite the fact you seem to think that "y NO WITCHER 2??!~!11!? GAEMS OTHER STOPID! MOAR PEPL LIK WITCHER nobs!111"

I loved the Witcher 2, but honestly, if more people prefer wacking prostitutes with a large purple sex toy, then fine. I like Saints Row The Third and The Witcher. I voted for SR3 in hopes the DLC would go on sale with it. But I was fine with whatever winning. I really don't care who wins any of these sales! We get a chance to pick and that's pretty dang nice of Valve.


Oh I forgot the people who nonstop request ARMA 2. What's up with that? Its suddenly the most popular game on Steam. I've had ARMA 2 for a long while now.

Edited by K00L
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Anyone know of any good FO3 mods I could get? I already have 170+ but that's not nearly enough.

Anything specific you're looking for?

Snipers. Preferably large caliber snipers capable of firing a 12.7mm round or bigger, but smaller ones are good too. I ported some from NV Nexus but I don't really like them, they look too clean. I already made armors for myself so that's going off the list.


I'm also looking for mods similar to FWE. FWE is good but there's a problem with Apocalypse Armory, it adds weapons already added by AA so I get 2 different kinds of the same weapon. I want the game to be harder, it's just too easy.


Good quest mods that involve using a brain is something I want to get too. I don't want a quest where I just run through a hallway butchering millions of opponents that get in my way to get a sniper rifle that shoots nukes. I want quests that involve thinking and not just holding down the fire button till the ammo runs out, even if there is no reward in the end. Vanilla quests just won't cut it, I've finished them a bunch of times.


And that's about it.


Zero point 1 lasers power woot. Can it be used as a power source??



Nothing new about that, it's old news. A couple of years old, to be precised.

Edited by Werne
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Why not just get a zombie mod, something that over runs Skyrim with Zombies.... Zombies fun, especially with a merc mod...


Hmm how much for that wizard over there,Wait zombiiesss!!!!

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Zero point 1 lasers power woot. Can it be used as a power source??



I forgot to add in my previous post, no, it can't be used as a power source due to extreme heating that can't be reduced with current technology. One second of work = 3 hours of cooling down.


Why not just get a zombie mod, something that over runs Skyrim with Zombies.... Zombies fun, especially with a merc mod...


Hmm how much for that wizard over there,Wait zombiiesss!!!!

No one mentioned anything about Skyrim. I think you should go to sleep and relax your brain while I take care of the win :D

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