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Basically, you're recommending that I try it by myself?

Idk, I feel a bit lost lately. You say you've tried CBT and it didn't help much? And I'm not sure if I developed coping mechanisms yet. Ugh, I'm just getting sick of being depressed and anxious every day. This year I had like 6 days where I felt great. (Or maybe that was the feeling of 'normal'. I can't tell.)


Well I got a self help book which seemed to 'do wonders' for other people. I'll try reading it and see if I can do something with myself. (It's about teaching yourself Neuro-linguistic programming. Basically do good stuff to yourself.) Hope it'll help a bit, because I also don't really trust much in psychotherapy people. I'm thinking to myself that they will just keep telling me the things I already know. ( I know I said the opposite this morning. I change my mind very quickly because I think too much.)


And like I said. No meds unless it will get dangerously serious.



I could use someone around me like that, to share love and happiness with. But finding someone like that in the place where I live is almost impossible. Everybody is selfish and doesn't know what 'intimate friendship' means :sad:

I lack hugs. Tbh, besides my aunt. Nobody did ever seriously hug me and I'm the kind of person whose heart melts by a nice word. Hugs would be the best thing ever.



I hope I'm not annoying people with my rants? I sound a tad pathetic.

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Hey honey, I'm here to support you if you want it. I learnt a great thing for panic attacks and the like its called four square.


You breathe in counting to 4, hold your breath counting to 4, expel breath counting to 4 and hold for the count to 4 at the end. Repeat the cycle for as long as you need to. Coz you are counting and thinking about what you're doing, you forget to panic, forget what it is that set you off :D Great fun and it works too.


The other thing is to put yourself in a "happy place".


Think of something that you loved, a place that you were truly happy. That is your happy place. Every time you start feeling sad or low, think of that place. Envision it, feel it and imagine the sounds, smells and tastes. This releases endorphins which make you feel happy. That works too.


If all else fails, eat chocolate. That is happy food, is filled with serotonin which releases the necessary endorphins you need to feel happy. A quick fix, but works in a pinch.


:D :D :D


Anyway, thinking of you, sending you hugs xx

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Basically, you're recommending that I try it by myself?

Idk, I feel a bit lost lately. You say you've tried CBT and it didn't help much? And I'm not sure if I developed coping mechanisms yet. Ugh, I'm just getting sick of being depressed and anxious every day. This year I had like 6 days where I felt great. (Or maybe that was the feeling of 'normal'. I can't tell.)


No, not that it didn't help. It DOES help. Just that in my case a lot of the things that it will teach you I had already learned one way or another. I used to be exactly like you (when you say about your friend not being online) but through using mechanisms like CBT, and generally just getting older and wiser, I am now not like that, or not as much. I just didn't know what I had done was CBT until someone told me what CBT was. :biggrin:


Yes, I think if you are interested in CBT and think it will help then try it for yourself (look online, through books etc). Some people will do better if they have a Psych to help them with it, some won't. Whether or not you go to a Psych is up to you (and a psych could probably help in a lot of other ways besides CBT), but you CAN use CBT without going to a Psych.


CBT will ONLY work if you believe it will, and given what little I know about you I'd suggest you are more likely to believe it will work if you've read about and researched it, rather than because a Psych told you so. Some people are the reverse.



Well I got a self help book which seemed to 'do wonders' for other people. I'll try reading it and see if I can do something with myself. (It's about teaching yourself Neuro-linguistic programming. Basically do good stuff to yourself.) Hope it'll help a bit, because I also don't really trust much in psychotherapy people. I'm thinking to myself that they will just keep telling me the things I already know. ( I know I said the opposite this morning. I change my mind very quickly because I think too much.)


CBT basically IS a form of NLP. :thumbsup:


Just be careful with self-help books, and NLP generally. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's as useful as Brynjolf's Falmer Blood Elixir.


Have a hug featuring cats:



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Thank you very much for the tips. I'll keep them in mind. (I know about chocolate and it's effects, I ate too much of it 5 minutes ago actually just because of that :biggrin: )

Aww, thanks for the hugs <3



Oh, I can do CBT by myself? I thought a psychotherapist was needed for that. Voodoo magic, goat sacrifices and such.

I'll look it up online then, I didn't search for it since I thought it can't be done like that.


And you know me pretty well. Lol, actually you know more about me than my closest friend IRL


Aaaww, Thanks for the hugs <3



That made my day, thank you. I'll try not to take over the topic again, I feel like the king of topic theft right now.

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Falmer elixer is nothing but nirn root, mixed with i can't tell but it at least isn't a alcohol beverage like most of the drinks in Skyrim. Wonders why they are always drunk....
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Thank you very much for the tips. I'll keep them in mind. (I know about chocolate and it's effects, I ate too much of it 5 minutes ago actually just because of that :biggrin: )

Aww, thanks for the hugs <3



Oh, I can do CBT by myself? I thought a psychotherapist was needed for that. Voodoo magic, goat sacrifices and such.

I'll look it up online then, I didn't search for it since I thought it can't be done like that.


And you know me pretty well. Lol, actually you know more about me than my closest friend IRL


Aaaww, Thanks for the hugs <3



That made my day, thank you. I'll try not to take over the topic again, I feel like the king of topic theft right now.


Yeah, when I first got referred a lot of the literature was directing me towards ways to do it myself. They say it's "best" to do it with qualified help of course, but then they would, it's their job after all!


From the UK's NHS, couple of links in there may or may not be worth a look, mostly just to prove that even Psychs say you can do stuff without a Psych:



Just be careful with internet searches, CBT also stands for something VERY different :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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