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omg I will never look at another apple again without wanting to throw up :sick:

Here's a fresh clean one:



You can throw it at me if you want. Try not to hit my eye.

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No I'd rather eat it.


Ok guys and gals, I really need some sleep. Speak to you all on the morrow.


Have fun and play nicely


Naomi xxx

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It would me too, if I wasn't so tired and could understand what in the blue blazes you just said.


:dance: :tongue:

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The older I get the more likely it seems that this society is going to go down via corporate-dystopia rather than zombie apocalypse. This saddens me greatly.

You know, I'd like a zombie apocalypse.


Less stuff to worry about, just have to make sure you don't get eaten and have to protect the ones with you.

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Sadly, I don't have a humiliating picture of a guy with teabags on his face.

I do, but it's not exactly safe for work - or for hardcore porn sites for that matter. I am a degenerate. Lol.



ALSO, what would you guys say is the appropriate amount of time for a comment to exist on your profile page before deleting it?

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EDIT: To avoid more confusion, please ignore this. The person to whom this is directed to will know.


Publicly apologizing for something I have done.


What I did was wrong, I am deeply, truly sorry for that. I can swear by my life that anything similar will never happen again, because I didn't know what I was doing. I love you, J. I will always truly love you and only you, and you know that.

If you allow me to, forever then.


I will look at this lady now until I feel ok with myself.



Other forum members, I allow you to throw rotten fruit at me and mild insults as well.

I deserve some punishment even if what I did wasn't major.


(Don't ask, just do it.)


All is forgiven. :wub:

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Ack! I was reading fast again. I was doing my best to speed read.


As usual though I crashed at the end of the last sentence into a white wall of bright borderless computer screen and it caused everything I had read to catch up and knock itself right out of my head.


My short term memory for racing on a drag strip is nearly destroyed. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png






I've still got my long term memory for the round the track type racing. It's fast but not near as quickly over with. More like hugging while watching a family movie and not like fast memories, or short term ones, which is more like real life sex.


I've got my ancestral memories that take up Years on the planet which is the slowest read and longest tale to tell. I would take a whole decade just to tell or read for you the short version.




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