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WHY AM I STILL PLAYING AS CONNOR'S DAD? >:( His mom is hot and everything :wink: but I'm at the point that it's like do it or die or something. I mean I was promised more than this old dude........ where's the piracy? Where's the hunting and crafting and junk? How long, how long must I sing this song.


It's funny how if you put "when do you get to play as" into google it suggests 'Connor'(1), 'conor'(4), and 'the indian'(7).... so apparently everybody no likey how long you play as papa assassin.


Also, I'm getting a puppy tomorrow

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Puppyhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif So he has a heart after all.. All i hate Christmas and i don't have snow thing must of been a glitch http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif lol





Edited by Thor.
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Yeah....... That "twist" was pretty obvious.......................... Unless it's a double twist, I am not impressed. But I like playing as Connor even though it feels like I just went through another lengthy tutorial.


BTW Samuel Adams is apparently a badass. Through some weird glitch he clipped through a redcoat and killed him by running through him. It was cool for a second and then all the redcoats got revengency all at the same time and caused him to rag doll into space. My game froze shortly after.


Buggy ass game - clippy ass game.

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Sounds like Assassin's Creed 3. I haven't played it though so I wouldn't know. :tongue:
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