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There's nothing like a little S&M to liven up Christmas Day :D

You can see into my bedroom?!?! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif

Edited by Werne
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Ajde, jebeš ovaj narod, vidiš da su ka ovce, svi se skupili oko crkve i slušaju samo one glupe popove.

Ako im neko od njih kaže da skoče s mosta imat ćemo državu bez stanovnika http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

Jedva čekam taj dan :D

I jesu ovce, pisao sam o tomu sastavak pred par dana u školi. Dobit ću 1 ili 2 opet jer sam pisao nešto protiv države xD


I ne badivaj uvrede puno, dobit ćeš čir na želucu.

Mene fakat ćudi zašto već nisam.


Ako ih moreš prebit, ubij boga u njima a ako ne moreš, ponesi olovnu cijev i ubij boga u njima.

LOL :laugh:


Čaća ti je zakon, šteta što moj nije takav, život bi mi bija puno bolji.






I should switch back to English. >.>

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Ok, let me see if I have everything I need to go to bed.


Flashlight? Check.


Batteries? Check.


Condoms? Check.


Lubricant? Check.


Other lubricant? Check.


Banana? Check.


Vibrating ring? Check.


Handcuffs? Check.


Wrench? Check.


Bed? It's more or less here so, check.


Woman? Will be out of the shower soon, check.


I've got everything, good night guys and remember to have sex regularly, if you don't use your Willy, it'll fall off http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wink.gif

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