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That was fun seeing a 2014 pix Google made with you in it. You're a Google Celebrity. I'm a Google Local Guide. I travel to museum mostly. I got intrigued by one at the Museum of the Rockies. I got to see the last of the exhibits on display of the inside of the Moon spaceship and how it was stocked for the journey to the Moon for 1969. They've since moved on and changed that display room several times. Once it was all about Alligators and Crocodiles. They had live ones. The big deal about that museum is it is one of the first to have a local discovery made in Montana by a guy named Mr. Jack Horner. In recent developments 3 whole T-Rex were donated and it is now known they weren't able to run. Staggered a lot and poked their big head down to pick up food like a chicken.


I moved away from the computer right after I posted the last post and discovered it was snowing. That was 4 hours ago. I looked out again a few minutes ago and it appears to have stopped. There is almost enough snow on the Sub to merit getting out the scraper and brush tool. I saw the forecast on a Sharp Weather Station, but I thought it was getting warm enough out for rain. The 24 hour forecast had lightning. Instead we got snow. Cloudy in 12 and Sunny in 24 now.


The land I was looking at is in Minnesota. From the Realestate pictures it looked like a good prospect. At least until I got the view of the road to it. It's near a park and recreation area mostly used by people that sail around in small ships.


Congratulations! You're a Google Star!


Not sure how much "star" quality I bring to the table. Search for Gore Bay Marina Testimonials ... I'm #33. My 57 seconds of fame (mind you without the skillful video editor it could easily have been the full half hour of me rambling).


Didn't know you can request Google to give you a facial blurr, I always figured that was automatic. There was a lady walking her dog past my house once who was blurred so I could never figure out if she was one of the "regulars" in the neighborhood or not. The GoogleMaps car that caught her also caught my old XTerra with those kayaks loaded on the roof ready for me to leave for the ferry trip the next day (so spring of the same year you've already seen).


The one I liked the most was a satellite map view of Eagle Island harbour NE from Gore Bay almost up to the north shore of the North Channel. There were three sailboat in the harbour, Mild Steel was anchored in the notch on the west side of the harbour opposite the little round island, there was a second sailboat leaving the harbour heading NE almost abeam of the island and there was me in my boat anchored in my usual spot down near the south end of the harbour. The wind was southerly so my stern was facing north and I remember looking out my cockpit companionway and seeing the sailboat that was leaving and thinking "Oh great ... it'll be just me and Mild now". If I had stepped out nto the cockpit and looked up and waved you would have been able to see me. Sadly that satellite shot of Eagle Island harbour was replaced with another some years back ... wish I'd saved a screenshot of it.



Do an Archive search. Type in Eagle Island pixs, Eagle Island (map and the year) and see if the picture is afloat among the many that Google will display as pictures of there. The picture may be in a collection of studio art and may even be in a maritime art display. If once it was, like you mention, it likely is just a couple of clicks away on a page in the Archived collections.


Now back to my Real life: I just finished looking for information that could have given me another link to launch me in another direction to do research and found none.


I spoke with the Research and Archive managers at the Charlie M. Russell Museum. They couldn't find what I had hoped for. There isn't anymore to find, that's all, and the End!


I am free to play video games; forever. Or go and roam around like a silver ball in a pinball machine dodging the ills of the masses bouncing from one post to another without coming into contact with death sooner than later.


Maybe I will find a nice resting place on a cloud with Gold and Silver lining overlooking one of my favorite planets in the Star Wars movies or their video games? Maybe the Star Trek Green woman story will tantalize my old mind thinking young again, like that TV green woman Pike was mezmorized by? I could appear in a dream and sail off to where Commander Pike lives in constant illusions of being perfectly healthy and happy with a gal that is just as badly mangled as he is who is sharing the task of repopulating those aliens's nearly dead planet. Star Treks : The Menagerie.


Or buy a yacht and sail around all the waterways and even pass by Striker879. I would rather have a mini-submarine though so I could see the sights under the sea, the beautiful sea..




Ooo! The possibilities are endless.


And Mktavish Wins with his new rendition of Copacabana



Snorkling is fun ... when you get down just below the first equalization depth (for me about 8 or 10 ft) you get neutral bouyancy and feel like you are flying. I love doing that along spots were the rocks drop sharply so you have a point of reference. Amazing that fish are often curious about what you are rather than just afraid if you are gentle as you approach.


Ahh ... now you have me jonesing for the summer.


Your mention of Museum of the Rockies gave me a nice little diversion this morning.


That Star Trek episode (actually was a two parter if I recall correctly) is a good one.



Star Trek: The Menagerie is 2 episodes.


I'm glad you had some fun researching a Museum.

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Hey its getting scary out there, everyone is stalking up on toilet paper and water, although our city water is not getting hit that way.


I never heard of anyone sneaking up on Toilet paper before. I heard about a guy that was so ugly he had to sneak up on a glass of water.


Keep safe! Be cool! :mellow: Go with the flow and keep out of the in store aisles jams, and on the roads traffic jams. Coronavirus? This too will pass.

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Hey its getting scary out there, everyone is stalking up on toilet paper and water, although our city water is not getting hit that way.


I never heard of anyone sneaking up on Toilet paper before. I heard about a guy that was so ugly he had to sneak up on a glass of water.


Keep safe! Be cool! :mellow: Go with the flow and keep out of the in store aisles jams, and on the roads traffic jams. Coronavirus? This too will pass.



LOL ... +1 for Pagafyr. You know to look at him you'd never guess he had such "grammar police" side, would you?


I'm still laughing over that visual of sneaking up on a glass of water ... I'll never get to sleep now Paga!!

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Nah i would not be a good idea, i like to spell correct in all my posts, just tired that's all.


In your defense Niphilim it was spelled correctly, just used out of context. :D

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