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YAY i almost soloed hyperious the invincible lv63, it was epic, died just when he was gasping for air lol. Sooo close cries a bit.

Lol! I have such a dirty mind ;D


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Tyrion's my favourite character. I haven't seen the show (but I've read all the books) and he's the funniest. Jaime is also pretty funny in the books.


I hate Cersei though. Hate her. Kill.


I never really hated Cersei, I actually love her for some strange reason. I hated Joffrey, Tywrin and Stennis with great passion though.

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Tyrion's my favourite character. I haven't seen the show (but I've read all the books) and he's the funniest. Jaime is also pretty funny in the books.


I hate Cersei though. Hate her. Kill.


I never really hated Cersei, I actually love her for some strange reason. I hated Joffrey, Tywrin and Stennis with great passion though.


Yeah, I don't like Joffrey either. Tywin and Stannis were ok for me, I didn't mind either of them. I don't like Sansa though, in the books she's just a damsel in distress who gets swept along with the tide. I wonder if George R. R. Martin is going to actually make her do something interesting...

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I'm not sure whether to like Sam or not. (The fat guy who's Snow's bff)


He's fat and he's friendly to an extent, but there's something about him that I just dont like. Then again I'm only in Season 2 Ep 2 so stuff may happen.

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Last post before duh sleep...

Fun fact: last year I had a kneeboarding accident and split my nasal bone in half (just above the cartilage)... miraculously I didn't get brain damage (or die for that matter) and it healed very well. I have a cool scar horizontally across my nose though. :smile:
Might post a pic of it some day...

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