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I had a power nap, but my goal was to sleep through the night... It doesn't feel right lolo, 2 hours sleep and i feel like i had a full nights sleep... Weird,,,,,,,,

Ok, I gotta ask, what the hell is a "lolo"?


My feet smell

That's because they grow out of your arse. :P




And in other news, I got beaten up today. By a girl. My girlfriend, to be precise. We went out in coffee shop today and while the waitress was giving us our coffee, her breasts fell out of her shirt (tends to happen when you buy cheap shirts). And of course, being a man, I took a peak which was followed by stomach pain caused by a swift and powerful impact from a fist. Then there was yapping, lots and lots of yapping. But I don't understand why is she angry, I'm made that way.


Men have a reason for staring at female breasts, we have a Terminator-like targeting interface and fine tuned visual detectors to accesses the amount of nutrition a female can provide to an offspring. Staring at butts is different though, we look at butts to access the amount of damage a woman can do to an offspring in case she sits on it. We like skinny women because less weight equals less damage in case of sitting and/or stepping on an offspring. We like strong women because they're less likely to drop the offspring. We like smart women because they're less likely to forget an offspring in a grocery store.


There is a reason for everything men do, we just have to think of a reason that blames the evolution for our behavior and then somehow find a way to connect it to reproduction. :thumbsup:

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Men have a reason for staring at female breasts, we have a Terminator-like targeting interface and fine tuned visual detectors to accesses the amount of nutrition a female can provide to an offspring.


Hahahahaha, I laughed. Yes, I am a trained assessor as well. :D

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My feet smell

That's because they grow out of your arse. :P

That explains the funny walk then. ;D

And in other news, I got beaten up today. By a girl. My girlfriend, to be precise. We went out in coffee shop today and while the waitress was giving us our coffee, her breasts fell out of her shirt (tends to happen when you buy cheap shirts). And of course, being a man, I took a peak which was followed by stomach pain caused by a swift and powerful impact from a fist. Then there was yapping, lots and lots of yapping. But I don't understand why is she angry, I'm made that way.

My sympathies, thankfully I don't have that problem because mine is worse for staring than I am! :cool:

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And in other news, I got beaten up today. By a girl. My girlfriend, to be precise. We went out in coffee shop today and while the waitress was giving us our coffee, her breasts fell out of her shirt (tends to happen when you buy cheap shirts). And of course, being a man, I took a peak which was followed by stomach pain caused by a swift and powerful impact from a fist. Then there was yapping, lots and lots of yapping. But I don't understand why is she angry, I'm made that way.

If that shirt is that cheap ..

1st she needs carpet tape to keep the round stuff in the fabric.

2nd if she wears such a cheap shirt, she wanted to be admired for what she has in there.

3rd. If the shirt is that cheap that her suff pops out then it inst your fault looking, becasue it is a reflex to ensure our species dosent die out like the Dinosaurs. ( like you pointed out.)


question: How many others have looked and didnt got a beat up ?


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Men have a reason for staring at female breasts, we have a Terminator-like targeting interface and fine tuned visual detectors to accesses the amount of nutrition a female can provide to an offspring.

Hahahahaha, I laughed. Yes, I am a trained assessor as well. :biggrin:

We all are. :biggrin:



And in other news, I got beaten up today. By a girl. My girlfriend, to be precise. We went out in coffee shop today and while the waitress was giving us our coffee, her breasts fell out of her shirt (tends to happen when you buy cheap shirts). And of course, being a man, I took a peak which was followed by stomach pain caused by a swift and powerful impact from a fist. Then there was yapping, lots and lots of yapping. But I don't understand why is she angry, I'm made that way.

My sympathies, thankfully I don't have that problem because mine is worse for staring than I am! :cool:

Interestingly enough, mine doesn't look at other men, at least not when she's around me. She only looks at other women when I'm around, but that's an "I can kill you in 20 different ways if you take a step closer to him" kind of look. She's like a bodyguard, just without a gun.


If that shirt is that cheap ..

1st she needs carpet tape to keep the round stuff in the fabric.

2nd if she wears such a cheap shirt, she wanted to be admired for what she has in there.

3rd. If the shirt is that cheap that her suff pops out then it inst your fault looking, becasue it is a reflex to ensure our species dosent die out like the Dinosaurs. ( like you pointed out.)


question: How many others have looked and didnt got a beat up ?

1. Gives me an interesting idea.

2. To be honest, those were the kind of breasts that are admired in any type of clothing.

3. Indeed, though I can't say that dinosaurs and extinction were things that popped into my mind at the moment.


To answer the question, I was the only guy there with a girlfriend, therefore I was the only one getting his arse kicked. And all the other guys there laughed at me, which wasn't nice. Me staring wasn't nice either, but that's not my fault.

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