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Oh my god im melting.


I dont care what i said about snow, i want it back. I woke up dehydrated and hot, i swear it was above 35c in my bed.


And i hate bugs, they're everywhere. Especialy those big versions of mosquitos. God dammit those scare me. And spiders, f*#@ spiders.


f*#@ summer in general im laying half naked in my bed melting away in the middle of the night while all kinds of critters are entering my room to annoy the hell out of me.


Take me to Canada.

I want to play ice hockey with a moose.

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You should come here in the summer time lol, we had record heat last year.


Accounting the humidex


But it only lasts for 2 months out of the yea, and some occasions its quite nice here. You can have some really hot days of 48C including the humidity, but hey its summer, what do you expect lol.

of course that's if you have central air, its not a problem unless you go outside then lol.

Four seasons, you got a like'em :thumbsup: :dance: :yes:

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YA we had some killer summers here, we even had some world records at times.


You can go closer north like Ottawa or something like the Rockies, or something Newfoundland Labrador. Lol i am not sure if there is a province that's spring all year long lol?????

Vancouver?? maybe?? but lately they had some major snow storms, freak ones to at times... i am unsure if they get really hot summers though?? i heard its the best place to live in Canada lol.

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I am not sure , maybe farther north you might get that temperature. closer to the North pole, but with global warming, even Skyrim would be getting some wacky hot temperature at times.


In Skyrims case it would be that Volcano causing it in Morrowind. All that ash trapping heat

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My mother in law has one, it's a beautiful dog, though she called the breed in some strange name I didn't understand. Also one of the fastest dog breeds in the world, whoever enters my back yard would have a very bad time. :biggrin:


Hmm, a persian greyhound wouldn't be ideal for protection. Their mouths are too small and their bodies are too frail. I know a bloke who has a greyhound and a few other dogs that he uses for pig hunting, and the grey hound is the sniffer while the other dogs are the fighters.


A good dog for protection + friendly + good nose + fast is the bull arab. We've owned heaps over the years and there isn't a better dog for hunting and protection.

Our bull arab male called Ripper (aptly named, due to his farts but not his attitude) can run 50kmph easily, and he's tackled a few pigs with ease. Once we lost him in the bush for about a week, but he found his way back home (over the range, on the other side of a mountain) and he had a fat gut from eating wild pigs he'd hunted. Plus, he's probably the friendliest dog imaginable. We actually call him "Sook" as a nickname sometimes.


We once had an American Bulldog X Mastiff and... he was dangerous. Brilliant family pet, but there is no way I'd want to be someone breaking into my house with him around. Duke was a little too vicious though, he'd attack other dogs on sight and was utterly addicted to pig hunting. He was covered head to toe in scars and was a block head. We'd take him down the beach and he'd catch and eat crabs (which was funny. We'd turn rocks upside down to reveal crabs and call "Duke! Duke!" and he'd race over and devour them).

I'd recommend not getting a dog like him though (or if you do, at least bring him up around other dogs so he's not so vicious towards them) because he was a monster. We gave him away because he became unstable and we lived too close to other people.


So yeah, if you want your dog to be friendly and kind to other dogs/people, bring it up with the company of other people's dogs and other people. When they're a pup, they become accustomed to having strangers around the place and become less vicious towards them later on. But, if you want a good *serious* protection dog, don't do that. Then your dog will rip the throats out of your invaders.

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