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Anyone here know of some tips to make me enjoy Minecraft? My friend plays it quite a lot and really wants me to buy it, but when I played it on his computer I just didn't find it all that fun.

What am I missing?


Oh, and :cool:

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Just finished ripping, tagging and storing all the music me and my girlfriend have. It was on our CDs, now it's on the hard drive.


Why am I doing this? She started yapping a month ago how she want all of it on my PC, as far as I understand she intends to connect one of those PCs I have in my garage to the TV and use it as a huge multimedia center once my new HDDs arrive (guess I won't be having those in my PC :dry:). I loaded all the music into Rhythmbox to see how long is it and I have to say, there's a lot of it.


3949 songs with a total duration of 287h 55m 19s, that means if I were to start playing all of it at this very moment, it would stop after 11 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 19 seconds. Memory size of the music library takes up 466GB in FLAC format, I had to install a new 250GB HDD just so I don't run out of memory. :psyduck:


And now the worst part comes, ripping all the movies we have and converting them so I can store them on my HDD. :facepalm:


I started praying to Flying Spaghetti Monster for more gigabytes, I just hope he works fast.


And of course, :cool:

Edited by Werne
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