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I comprehend your apprehension. Concerned that you may have something more serious. When in truth you're letting yourself suffer for 364 days from the condition.


Since you have cooked a meal or two I imagine you've had contact with several Herbs and Spices.


I imagine you've eaten a few versions of cookies over the holidays. One in particular when celebrating with a little house with the little bread men who represent Hansel and Gretel.


You probably ate the arms, and the smile with two dots for eyes on the head, and never even stopped to wonder if the contents of the cookie had anything that kept your legs from wobbling or your head from swimming. After only one or two of those little men you raced around the house chasing about like the wind was in your sails and you were born for the great outdoors.


The name of that particular cookie holds the secret to one of our lifelong mysteries. Just like about every book on Earth written by a woman for children, especially for her favorite little daughter.


We men didn't have such attentions because we were not women. The secret ingredient for the leveling of our land so when we've drunk so much, as long as we can hold onto one blade of grass and not fall off the Earth we're well enough to get up and swim home. When the world is spinning round and round and we're caught inside the whirlwind face down on a platter spinning as though we were on top of a top spinning madly. Sometimes, even with a full belly, we didn't heave ho. Why? You might ask.


The answer is what the little bread man says to us all the time. It's a secret ingredient. The ingredient we children shout when we see that little guy about to wave hello. We say his name and then we grab him and never winch and don't even say goodbye.


Weaving through the woods at a half past 12 the world seems gay because it's half way through the day, and those little houses, and little men all ready for the after supper event are inside the houses whose windows release those cooking smells rouses our nose to the smell.


We barely stagger, we barely feel a gurgle in our gut, as we journey by holding that jug that either Dad was sharing and was almost empty or it was just dear old Dad heading in to get another from the ice box. That whiff of the aroma in the air of the one little house and tiny cookie men seemed to straighten our spine, give our joints a bind, and we felt stronger then before.


So we stood there, erect, near the cook and didn't even burp. That was swell, because wifey dear neither got upset or laughed at our boyish swelled belly's blight.


Because the aroma, that swell smell, even knocks the scent of the swill from our lips from kissing that jug. Even straightens us up all the way down beneath our knees so our feet know the floor below is steady as a rock and smooth sailing occurs all the rest of the day.


Drunker than snot and still not a weave, a wave, a spin, or a roll. All because that one spice on that one day, during that whole day of cooking for the special occasion keeps us from slipping and falling out the door and up into the sky.


She said; if you go honey, remember when you asked me to marry you, you promised me the Moon?! That sheepish loving smile on your lips under the bright bulb your nose all lit even shines brighter than before.


She said; Well then, on your way when you go, bring it back if yo can, while you up there get a star for the top of the tree. Would you honey?! Please! In the strange mood you're in you gave her a smile with a great big toothy grin.


And you danced a skip and a hop, out the door. You got a few feet from the back of the shed where you drank and smoked. When just about the time you reached the place where you were about to sit some fresh air slipped up your nose. You set the jug on the end table.


The fresh air, shared with you some old, remembered, new feelings. There you were without a care in the world and the air lifted your senses. Suddenly you took off like a rocket. Straight to the moon. Because the sudden change from the wonderful aroma didn't quite reach as far as your favorite chair. You were still filled to the top with that aroma mixed in with the air out there where it used to be filled with gloom. And Whoosh!


You suddenly flew.


No; not spun, not swam, not fumbled, or stumbled. You flew like a bird and rocketed to the Moon.


And you even remembered to bring back a Star to top the Tree in the house. All decorated and ready for the little children's presents full of dreams. All because of that little cookie man and his secret name. Well, I won't say it, until it's time. You shouldn't either.


You might spoil the chance of having a dance when you've drank down to the bottom of the jug twice or more. You should save that secret ingredient for the special occasion once a year. Rather then keep your head on high and your feet steady on the ship.


Afterall, it might wear out the feeling of joy and mystery as to why all through the rest of the year your rotgut, your seaweed wine, and jugs of home brewed beer made your head swim, your feet had a difficult time finding the ground, and you growled at the children like a sod, sad old bear.


Until that time, once again the little man came to the house. Hansel and Gretel were still at home. Then the two children shouted out with glee and happy to see you even when you were filled up to your eyeballs inebriated with that no good old bear. There you were as passive as a kitten and never knowing why. Just that one time a year seemed so dear.


When the two children shouted you didn't even mind. What rhymes with the root that they shouted out in cheer, in song like glee they did sing out. And you smiled with a grin ear to ear.


It's the ...... bread man! Oh! Even full of juice you made merry as you usually got. For some reason that day you still could walk the walk, dance with your favorite gal without knocking over a pot, and yet you say there is no cure for the problems you've got all the rest of the year. Hm? Maybe you should learn to cook some bread or make some of that beer with the secret that Hansel and Gretel know so well.


Yes I have tried the ginger trick Paga. Can't say for certain if it had any affect on the stomach part of the whole seasickness experience as I still get the vertigo part while under the influence of ginger, thus I have never dilly dallied down below long enough to test it's efficacy while under it's sway.


If I'm on deck I'm good, and while singlehanding that is the best place for me in any case.

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Yes I have tried the ginger trick Paga. Can't say for certain if it had any affect on the stomach part of the whole seasickness experience as I still get the vertigo part while under the influence of ginger, thus I have never dilly dallied down below long enough to test it's efficacy while under it's sway.


If I'm on deck I'm good, and while singlehanding that is the best place for me in any case.



I would call you a name that refers to a bred of horse's that was made from mixing DNA in a laboratory by a person called a wizard in their day. But I won't because it would make me feel like I slandered the name of a great author, who was a General in the French Army, a Surgeon, and wise man whose first name was Alexandre. Just for this part of your trying a Trick. Ooo! Such a cook you must be?!


You may have been a fan of his book made into Movies. The Three Musketeers.

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Yes I have tried the ginger trick Paga. Can't say for certain if it had any affect on the stomach part of the whole seasickness experience as I still get the vertigo part while under the influence of ginger, thus I have never dilly dallied down below long enough to test it's efficacy while under it's sway.


If I'm on deck I'm good, and while singlehanding that is the best place for me in any case.



I would call you a name that refers to a bred of horse's that was made from mixing DNA in a laboratory by a person called a wizard in their day. But I won't because it would make me feel like I slandered the name of a great author, who was a General in the French Army, a Surgeon, and wise man whose first name was Alexandre. Just for this part of your trying a Trick. Ooo! Such a cook you must be?!


You may have been a fan of his book made into Movies. The Three Musketeers.



Cook is one that I've never claimed fame for ... though I do make a mean pot of KD.


Hey ... I resemble that remark mister ...


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Copy that which you have seen sent and make it so you do not lament. Trickery and Treats have been your defeat.



Paga was a poet and didn't know it,

He jumped in a boat but couldn't row it,

The boat upset and he got wet,

And there you'll find his shirt tail yet.


Some come here to win a prize,

Others come to stir the pot,

Many make the error and surmise,

That I'm here for either lot.

No more fitting result could arise,

Than if a chuckle I have got.

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II feel like somebodies mother. I've got to explain everything in a way the little boy or little girl will understand.

Ginger Root. Not pills, not powder. Grab a big chunk of ginger root with branches all over it. Then, you gnaw on a large piece of root. No biting through it. Don't bite a piece off! Just gnaw on it and suck in the juices.
The other ways are for those with lesser inner ear problems. Niph and Stryker; You two stated yours are really messed up.
If you don't gnaw on it and drink the juice you might as well go get a bottle of Dramamine and take Six Pills. Well, no! For someone 6 feet tall it would take eight Dramamine. Nothing else works like that little yellow Dramamine pills that can put you to sleep so no driving while you're experimenting. If you have the guts to experiment, on yourself; that is? Harmless little yellow pills, and they are. But the juice of the Ginger Root is little tricky. You might want to bite and chew and grind. DON'T! Or you might as well go buy 3 gallons of water and try to drink it all down in one try.
OH! And after the Dramamine pills, 6 or 8 of them; start to wear off, you'll likely discover that you have suddenly become able to read a book and have an avarice appetite for words. Reading will be so easy that in such a short time you will find you've read a lot, an entire novel in a few hours if you're already slow, but if you're a quick reader it will seem like a lifetime passes while you're normal reading brain functions are working and you will find you read the entire book on War and Peace in a couple of hours or maybe nine.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit if you started taking Dramamine more seriously and search stores for it where the original stuff is still sold.
Imagine if you can what might happen if you managed to gnaw, squeezing the juice out of a raw bundle of branches sipping on it, without eating it for a YEAR! Several Ginger Roots will be necessary for a year of healing you up.
Might be too tough of a job keeping a whole fresh Ginger Root in your daily grocery list for a year or more. That is it won't likely be so many as long as you can refrain from eating them like a carrot.
It will amaze you how much your ears can mess up your ability to focus your eyes with your warped and jangled pains in your ears that really are messing up your mind.
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II feel like somebodies mother. I've got to explain everything in a way the little boy or little girl will understand.

Ginger Root. Not pills, not powder. Grab a big chunk of ginger root with branches all over it. Then, you gnaw on a large piece of root. No biting through it. Don't bite a piece off! Just gnaw on it and suck in the juices.
The other ways are for those with lesser inner ear problems. Niph and Stryker; You two stated yours are really messed up.
If you don't gnaw on it and drink the juice you might as well go get a bottle of Dramamine and take Six Pills. Well, no! For someone 6 feet tall it would take eight Dramamine. Nothing else works like that little yellow Dramamine pills that can put you to sleep so no driving while you're experimenting. If you have the guts to experiment, on yourself; that is? Harmless little yellow pills, and they are. But the juice of the Ginger Root is little tricky. You might want to bite and chew and grind. DON'T! Or you might as well go buy 3 gallons of water and try to drink it all down in one try.
OH! And after the Dramamine pills, 6 or 8 of them; start to wear off, you'll likely discover that you have suddenly become able to read a book and have an avarice appetite for words. Reading will be so easy that in such a short time you will find you've read a lot, an entire novel in a few hours if you're already slow, but if you're a quick reader it will seem like a lifetime passes while you're normal reading brain functions are working and you will find you read the entire book on War and Peace in a couple of hours or maybe nine.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit if you started taking Dramamine more seriously and search stores for it where the original stuff is still sold.
Imagine if you can what might happen if you managed to gnaw, squeezing the juice out of a raw bundle of branches sipping on it, without eating it for a YEAR! Several Ginger Roots will be necessary for a year of healing you up.
Might be too tough of a job keeping a whole fresh Ginger Root in your daily grocery list for a year or more. That is it won't likely be so many as long as you can refrain from eating them like a carrot.
It will amaze you how much your ears can mess up your ability to focus your eyes with your warped and jangled pains in your ears that really are messing up your mind.



I'll admit you do have me dead to rights in one aspect ... it was little ginger candies that I was given to try.


I've seen the gnarly old roots in the store, even bought one once for a pear jam recipe (finely grated and it didn't take much). You make gnawing on one sound like such an adventure Paga, not sure if I'm attracted to the idea or repulsed. Chances are I'll stick with what works for me ... breeze in the face and a clear horizon.

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Yeah! An adventure?


It's the gentle pressure exercising the muscles on the sides of our mouths. The fresh juice cleanses and stimulates while clearing out the tiny globs of unhealthy fat naturally. Reducing the swelling caused by sugary sweet glue that's the cheese we sneeze out that is so small and almost imperceptible. I may be a fathead, I may have a sour nose, I may even have a few clogged capillaries.


Imagine a tube so thin that red and white blood cells can only get through them in a long line one behind the other like a platoon marching in perfect metered order. Unless there is a bit of a clog then it's stop and go, stop and go, like a street light causes us to do in city traffic until a single white blood cell can find the clot and thin out that gooey mess so the passing red one can get through and another white blood cell can take some of it out too until it's back to marching marching to


Don't Crush the Dwarf! Hand me the pliers


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