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While I was looking for something else to watch I remembered a girl I knew while I was in college. The memory made me think, If I only had said something, instead of being dumbfounded. The same feeling I of being dumbfounded occurred to me after seeing a few clips of the Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman 1993 version on YouTube, and then not being able to get to watch it from beginning to end.


What a shocker that was. I remember how good my girlfriend looked. I remember what she said to me. I remember my mind suddenly was blank. Now I just want to go back in time and tell her what I realized I would have said, honest.

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While I was looking for something else to watch I remembered a girl I knew while I was in college. The memory made me think, If I only had said something, instead of being dumbfounded. The same feeling I of being dumbfounded occurred to me after seeing a few clips of the Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman 1993 version on YouTube, and then not being able to get to watch it from beginning to end.


What a shocker that was. I remember how good my girlfriend looked. I remember what she said to me. I remember my mind suddenly was blank. Now I just want to go back in time and tell her what I realized I would have said, honest.


OK Paga, I'm giving up my seat in the Time Machine to you.

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Yesterday I dropped off a check I wrote for a utility, dated for on the due date, for next month. I received a phone from the company this morning. The gal told me her name, then proceeded to explain why they could not hold the check until the due date. Her name sent me off into the past. I just sat here, listened to her, and kept telling her to go ahead and cash it because I just put the due date on it because it was on the notice.

She asked if it was okay to cash it today. I repeated it was.


After hanging up I sat here for an hour. Looking at everything around looking for something that needed my attention.


I best get ready for the day the time machine arrives. because everything around me is turning out to be without purpose.


I'm just camping here! I suppose if I didn't have the reasons I have for staying here and the many years it's been since that day, I would have got up and drove all the way back to Washington to see if could find her.


Edit: A gal I have friended here, I sent a PM recently, she responded, and I felt that sense we shared in our PM. Now when I pause and think about it it I feel so comfortable. I sense that it was what released forgotten memory and is what started this domino effect. I wonder where I will be when my mind finally unwinds and the string I have to follow, will take me?

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Yesterday I dropped off a check I wrote for a utility, dated for on the due date, for next month. I received a phone from the company this morning. The gal told me her name, then proceeded to explain why they could not hold the check until the due date. Her name sent me off into the past. I just sat here, listened to her, and kept telling her to go ahead and cash it because I just put the due date on it because it was on the notice.

She asked if it was okay to cash it today. I repeated it was.


After hanging up I sat here for an hour. Looking at everything around looking for something that needed my attention.


I best get ready for the day the time machine arrives. because everything around me is turning out to be without purpose.


I'm just camping here! I suppose if I didn't have the reasons I have for staying here and the many years it's been since that day, I would have got up and drove all the way back to Washington to see if could find her.


Edit: A gal I have friended here, I sent a PM recently, she responded, and I felt that sense we shared in our PM. Now when I pause and think about it it I feel so comfortable. I sense that it was what released forgotten memory and is what started this domino effect. I wonder where I will be when my mind finally unwinds and the string I have to follow, will take me?


Now I know what prompted me to think of you when I read that Calvin ... not because I really believed that you would "pull a Calvin" any more than I would. Days of finding delight in such things are far far behind us.


It was because we are kindred spirits, attuned to the same mysteries, facing similar turnings in our pathways, and thus wondering what lays beyond that corner.


I get great comfort in knowing that whatever waits around that corner, a billion feet have trod each possible path before I will arrive.

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