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Ever since I moved in where I am in January, I've noticed a LOT of police in the neighbourhood. At first I assumed a cop lived nearby, then I started to wonder if it was just a bit of a rough neighbourhood. I've been finding out the hard way this week that there's actually a rather vicious old lady down the street who's apparently been making life a misery for the other inhabitents for atleast the last few years. Today I had to prove to the police that the bike I've been working on isn't in a fit rideable state-there's been some jackass street racing lately, and apparently someone phoned the police and reported me as being that said street racer. The local police are decent folks-I was able prove my innocence fairly easily, but still, wrecked my day having to spend a few hours just proving I'm not a criminal.


I'm very much an honest, straight-up-and-down guy. I work hard for my salary, I vote, I don't do drugs, I have a clean criminal record, and generally am a respectable, trustworthy member of modern society. Boring, but respectable. So I did what most normal people would do and went down the road to try and talk things over-because frankly the last thing I want is some vicious old hag dialing 000 every time the wind blows the wrong way. Unfortunately my olive branch and offer to talk about it over a coffee was not only rejected, she threatened to report me again for "intimidating" her. Because apparently when a young man in a kevlar poncho knocks on the door and offers to discuss things over lunch(which he was going to serve) it's intimidation.


So, this leaves me in a bind. Obviously I'll be doing the rest of the work on the bike, at work, but I do think I'll be moving away once my lease is up. It's a nice house, but I've heard a few horror stories about vicious old Beryl, the most ridiculous being a neighbour who claimed she'd gotten so annoyed at their noisy pet bird she'd come in one night and opened it's cage. Whatever the truth, unfortunately there are some people you just can't deal with in any sort of civil matter, and when that happens, it's best to just walk away. The sad thing is, while I can walk away from this, say "meh, that just SUCKED" I don't think she can. As abnoxious as what she did and probably has done is, she's already payed for it. Being that bitter and horrible can't be a nice way to live.

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I hate this country, in US a 2TB hard drive costs around 100$ (cca 600 HRK). In Croatia a 1 TB hard drive costs over 900 HRK (over 150$).


But wait, there's more...


In US a normal paycheck is <1500$, in Croatia it's >500$ (2700 HRK, that's about 450$). So we have over 3x less money, but stuff is nearly twice more expensive? :blink:


God damn it, I want out of this place. :psyduck:


I know right?


I just awe at the prices of hardware there.


The XFX 7870 2GB is 250$ there (On Newegg, and you get Crysis 3 for free with it) which is 1440Kn, but here it's a f*#@ing 2200Kn which is 380$. How on earth am I meant to keep my hardware up-to-date if stuff is almost twice the price and we have 3 times less money. I have to wait for 2 generations of hardware to pass in order to get affordable prices for things. I'm just glad the 6870 is doing great and will last me a bit longer I hope.


And lets not speak of the damn internet speed, I had to wait 4 hours yesterday for Skyrim to update (a 5Gb update). And I read on the internet about people needing 30 minutes TOPS for 5Gb to download or else they get frustrated.


You know the download speed limits on the Nexus? I DONT NEED THEM IM ALREADY SLOWER THAN THE DAMN DOWNLOAD LIMIT.



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a rather vicious old lady down the street who's apparently been making life a misery for the other inhabitents for atleast the last few years.

There is a way to get rid of her, one I already used a few times (as I may have mentioned once). Old people usually have a weak heart, scare her enough by, let's say, turning on your bike and go full throttle without an exhaust while standing under her bedroom window at 3AM, and she'll go 6 feet under right quick. :happy:


Out here the only thing you can get for that is a ticket for "disturbing the peace" due to loud noise, the fact and old hag keeled over and died cause of that is completely ignored. ;D Not sure about your laws though.



I did what most normal people would do and went down the road to try and talk things over-because frankly the last thing I want is some vicious old hag dialing 000 every time the wind blows the wrong way.

That's the worst thing you could've done, you showed your weakness and now she knows you can be harassed. What you should have done is go over to her and calmly explain that you'll turn her head into a mush using a wrench if she even thinks about screwing with you again. And also bring a wrench with you, just in case she doesn't take you seriously. :yes:


That's how you treat old bastards that refuse to listen to reason. Or you can just shoot them but for that you would need a decent weapon capable of penetrating the skull, suppressor, learn to hide tracks, how to sneak, how to stay calm, etc. Too much work for little gain but the skills learned can be reused to get rid of other problems. :thumbsup:




If you didn't figure out by now, I'm an evil sadistic bastard, but I do know how to get rid of annoying neighbors. In my neighborhood it's 4 down, 3 to go. :devil:




@Iv000 I still have an old motherboard with 2GB DDR2 RAM, a C2D CPU and an ancient graphics card. I don't have money to make an upgrade.


Just for example, my PC is:

Motherboard: ASUS P5KPL-AM IN/ROEM/SI - 110$

CPU: Core 2 Duo E4500 @2.20GHz - 175$

Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4350 - 75$

RAM: 2x1GB DDR2 - 75$ (each, 150$ both)

Hard drives:

Hitachi 320GB SATA - 80$

Seagate Barracuda 250GB SATA - 75$

Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA 2x - 100$ (each, 200$ both)

PSU: Cheap chinese 300W PSU - 50$


That's nearly 950$ for a piece of obsolete junk, it was even more expensive when I bought it, but luckily I bought it in Bosnia so it was rather cheap. :sweat:


Internet speed depends on the provider, Optima has unlimited with 2MB/s download for 75Kn (12-13$), if you have CARNet (aka, if you go to school) you get the same for 50Kn (8-9$). Unlimited download/upload and they are pretty darn cheap.


And just make fun of our lovely country, Optima is a Slovenian company, our providers suck.

Edited by Werne
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Yesterday was really hot and muggy, but late last night it rained and it got nice and cool so I decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood in Soho. I knew I probably shouldn’t be walking around late at night as there had been some attacks recently, mostly little old ladies but, I wasn’t overly concerned, and besides I had heard the attacks had occurred closer to Mayfair or maybe it was Kent.

Anyway, as I was walking along, a man across the street called to me and came running over towards me. He startled me with his longish hair and beard as he looked like a werewolf for a second, but as he got closer I saw he was really well dressed (I’d like to meet his tailor) and his hair was perfect. He had a chinese menu in his hand and asked if I knew the place (Lee Ho something) and could I provide directions because he had a craving for beef chow mein.

Sadly, I didn’t know where the restaurant was, but the food sounded really good. We had a bit of a conversation and discovered we have mutual friends, and he invited me for a drink, so we went to a nice place he recommended called Trader Vic’s where we had a pina colada.


It was such a pleasant encounter, I thought I should write a song about it.

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