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The last poster wins


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If you want to get heaven, I heard in an alley on an old radio, If you want to get to heaven, the people all around me seemed to know no way to go, but they kept on looking round me hoping I might, so, I heard it in an alley on an old radio, if you want to get to heaven, you've got to raise a little ....


Oh! And Welcome! To the rest of your life in my world .... .


Oh! and yeah...

  • Everyone of the 33 people still following this thread, and Blackrampage, Werne, Striker879, Mktavish, especially niphilim222, everyone that's ever posted in this thread, including the creator TheCalliton.


Join in with all of those who are brave enough to sing-a-long with us, and finish this songs line.


Sing it! In your HEAD! Or just sing it outloud in your room Gamer

Here it is >>> You've got to raise a little <enter the word here >!

To get to heaven and WIN!


LOL ... Raise a little hell, raise a little Hell ... raise a little HELL!!


Sorry Paga, I live well and fully in the moment (so I've just enjoyed my moment of Heaven).


The next moment belongs to whomever picks up Paga's lost gauntlet.



My! How many people who read the story about my namesake never seemed to wonder what his story was that he left behind.

A boy, just starting out in the community in his new job watching over his people. A guardian of sorts. The author who wrote the short clip notes on the big posters, preparing him for his certain demise; didn't write what exactly that the lad did was simply put.


Otherwise; too much technical data bores readers, so the scribe scribble short notes. Just wrote a some notes describing the two combatant's. They arrived and went straight into the ring (or Field) prepared for their meeting. There the loud announcing was turned over to the RingMaster. The referee stood in the middle between the two champions. When the names were called he raised one arm of the champion of the one group and then the others when his name was called.


Nobody wanted to know what the new lad did back home. They all came from the boring little villages and shires. So they knew all about the ways their families lives mingled with the blacksmith the baker, the woodsman, the tailor, the candlestick maker, king, queen, and so on.


Well the new lad had barely gotten dry behind the ears. He got a lot of jeers. While the old favorite got a lot of hooray's and girls fainted just looking at his size.


One day the giant woke up. He sat up and looked around. Echos from his last arena event were mixed with boo's and hisses. No Yay's, flowers, and kisses. He dashed out of his tent. Ran to the stream to let loose the pain in his swollen bladder. They say that when he went, the creek rose so high it became a sea, fortunately all the folks in his family were tall and just walked out of it all before it got over their heads.


While back in the little village where the new lad slept, three maidens sooth and washed his head with oils of fine fragrances. So his day started out staying in bed. One day he heard a call, looked around, and from his forge he saw Saul. The King knew of his great works and hired him to be his arms maker and advisor while riding around in the charriotte he handed Saul the weapon like a golf caddy and feared only the blunt thump if he made a mistake. Well he was as successful as a weapons maker and a weapons caddy making Saul the Favorite King for a long time.


Until one day and advisor, I won't name, advised the KIng that his caddy was needing attention for the advisor put the fear in the Kings head that the caddy was getting too big for his britches. I hear the Lad heard while giving a messenger a gift wrapped in a fine birthday package, may have been ribbons on it too. He forged a brand new sword for his favorite King and sent the courier on on his way. When he was about to get back to the fire in the forge a little bird flew in and told him to worry, that the King's men were about, and looking to drag him in for questioning.


The blacksmith being quite young and very spry sent the bird to tell his parents to move the family and his fiance. Told them to pack up and go to their old village. Then he said to the bird when you get there tell them; remember the rock.


Like you Striker and so many more, the fear the king had got was just as is yours. All his family, the king gathered in the great hall, all his army, all his people too. He ordered them to get the lad and they all went out. The army sent the hounds men to find the lads trail, the shield spearmen followed close behind, the archers, the swordsmen all too were all in the moving wall. They arrived at the lads old village, but there was no one home.


The courier that had the birthday gift that the lad had sent kept getting pushed aside all along. But persistent to do his job he followed the King's entourage all the way to the village. Yup! After they all arrived the King ordered all to set up camp. In the morning they would resume their hunt.


The courier held steady and kept the package and danced about while holding his water at the entrance of the Kings tent. As the torches were lighted the King's advisors were sent away. My namesake never got mentioned, because the courier had to go so bad he stuttered and only was able to say that the package was a birthday present.


The king was overjoyed and snatched it from the couriers grip. The courier raced away, a stream about to break any moment in his loincloth. He even left without picking up the gold coin the king had tosses his way. The king was so happy someone remembered his birthday. He tore opened the package like a ravenous lion.


He saw the beautiful weapon. But a shadow in the dark spoke and told him it was an omen. That the lad had meant it to end the kings life. Fear rose, the beautiful sword kept one eye turned to it, adoring and swinging it around while his other searched for another in the shadows of his tent.


The call of the guard went around the camp. Everyone shouted out on their watch. The camps torches grew dim. Comforted by the thought no one would pass the guards, even the advisors were off in their own to sleep they all went. Even the evil one, that advised the king against the lad was sound asleep.


When the night grew darkest before the dawn there came a breeze into the Kings tent. A breeze not very strong.


Just like the kings of old stories that have never been told this one began to shift its words to share. That rock the lads family knew of, they only knew about, was in the King's sleeping chamber in the king's huge tent. Of course the King would have his tent set up there. And yes the reason was clear why to all but the advisor whose evil plot was now in the works. He was about to enter and to lift the beautiful sword at the Kings bed table. When he slipped in he found no sword.


The imaginary enemy! You've built up such a nice large family. And all because you have one. All their bodies to protect you like a castle walled so that no one can get to you inside.


Unlike the one in this story your enemy isn't the lad or the advisor. But like the one in this story if you don't stop listening to your inner fears and don't stop chasing the one you think is your enemy, the true enemy who is inside you will advise you and when your family all are surrounded by another innocent lad whose life is in your mind like the one I write of, it won't go so well for you and yours.


I found a rectangular shaped thing while I barely was out of my tender loincloth. I pondered it with the eyes of a child. Then buried it again. The reason why is known to me now. And the story I have written should give you a clue, for saying I have lost my gauntlet is like saying you think I am a king.


If you decide to continue reading this story, you will have to find it where it was written by the scribes for those who know it in all and this part I've shared too, you'll found out, i.e., if things in the story turn out well for the lad.


If you don't pick up the book and read the rest from where I leave off, and find out what happened in the next chapter, that is, last chapter. You'll never know who or what I do now, or what I ever will be.


Errr.... Hard pass.


If I could pass I would too. :laugh:






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If you want to get heaven, I heard in an alley on an old radio, If you want to get to heaven, the people all around me seemed to know no way to go, but they kept on looking round me hoping I might, so, I heard it in an alley on an old radio, if you want to get to heaven, you've got to raise a little ....


Oh! And Welcome! To the rest of your life in my world .... .


Oh! and yeah...

  • Everyone of the 33 people still following this thread, and Blackrampage, Werne, Striker879, Mktavish, especially niphilim222, everyone that's ever posted in this thread, including the creator TheCalliton.


Join in with all of those who are brave enough to sing-a-long with us, and finish this songs line.


Sing it! In your HEAD! Or just sing it outloud in your room Gamer

Here it is >>> You've got to raise a little <enter the word here >!

To get to heaven and WIN!


LOL ... Raise a little hell, raise a little Hell ... raise a little HELL!!


Sorry Paga, I live well and fully in the moment (so I've just enjoyed my moment of Heaven).


The next moment belongs to whomever picks up Paga's lost gauntlet.



My! How many people who read the story about my namesake never seemed to wonder what his story was that he left behind.

A boy, just starting out in the community in his new job watching over his people. A guardian of sorts. The author who wrote the short clip notes on the big posters, preparing him for his certain demise; didn't write what exactly that the lad did was simply put.


Otherwise; too much technical data bores readers, so the scribe scribble short notes. Just wrote a some notes describing the two combatant's. They arrived and went straight into the ring (or Field) prepared for their meeting. There the loud announcing was turned over to the RingMaster. The referee stood in the middle between the two champions. When the names were called he raised one arm of the champion of the one group and then the others when his name was called.


Nobody wanted to know what the new lad did back home. They all came from the boring little villages and shires. So they knew all about the ways their families lives mingled with the blacksmith the baker, the woodsman, the tailor, the candlestick maker, king, queen, and so on.


Well the new lad had barely gotten dry behind the ears. He got a lot of jeers. While the old favorite got a lot of hooray's and girls fainted just looking at his size.


One day the giant woke up. He sat up and looked around. Echos from his last arena event were mixed with boo's and hisses. No Yay's, flowers, and kisses. He dashed out of his tent. Ran to the stream to let loose the pain in his swollen bladder. They say that when he went, the creek rose so high it became a sea, fortunately all the folks in his family were tall and just walked out of it all before it got over their heads.


While back in the little village where the new lad slept, three maidens sooth and washed his head with oils of fine fragrances. So his day started out staying in bed. One day he heard a call, looked around, and from his forge he saw Saul. The King knew of his great works and hired him to be his arms maker and advisor while riding around in the charriotte he handed Saul the weapon like a golf caddy and feared only the blunt thump if he made a mistake. Well he was as successful as a weapons maker and a weapons caddy making Saul the Favorite King for a long time.


Until one day and advisor, I won't name, advised the KIng that his caddy was needing attention for the advisor put the fear in the Kings head that the caddy was getting too big for his britches. I hear the Lad heard while giving a messenger a gift wrapped in a fine birthday package, may have been ribbons on it too. He forged a brand new sword for his favorite King and sent the courier on on his way. When he was about to get back to the fire in the forge a little bird flew in and told him to worry, that the King's men were about, and looking to drag him in for questioning.


The blacksmith being quite young and very spry sent the bird to tell his parents to move the family and his fiance. Told them to pack up and go to their old village. Then he said to the bird when you get there tell them; remember the rock.


Like you Striker and so many more, the fear the king had got was just as is yours. All his family, the king gathered in the great hall, all his army, all his people too. He ordered them to get the lad and they all went out. The army sent the hounds men to find the lads trail, the shield spearmen followed close behind, the archers, the swordsmen all too were all in the moving wall. They arrived at the lads old village, but there was no one home.


The courier that had the birthday gift that the lad had sent kept getting pushed aside all along. But persistent to do his job he followed the King's entourage all the way to the village. Yup! After they all arrived the King ordered all to set up camp. In the morning they would resume their hunt.


The courier held steady and kept the package and danced about while holding his water at the entrance of the Kings tent. As the torches were lighted the King's advisors were sent away. My namesake never got mentioned, because the courier had to go so bad he stuttered and only was able to say that the package was a birthday present.


The king was overjoyed and snatched it from the couriers grip. The courier raced away, a stream about to break any moment in his loincloth. He even left without picking up the gold coin the king had tosses his way. The king was so happy someone remembered his birthday. He tore opened the package like a ravenous lion.


He saw the beautiful weapon. But a shadow in the dark spoke and told him it was an omen. That the lad had meant it to end the kings life. Fear rose, the beautiful sword kept one eye turned to it, adoring and swinging it around while his other searched for another in the shadows of his tent.


The call of the guard went around the camp. Everyone shouted out on their watch. The camps torches grew dim. Comforted by the thought no one would pass the guards, even the advisors were off in their own to sleep they all went. Even the evil one, that advised the king against the lad was sound asleep.


When the night grew darkest before the dawn there came a breeze into the Kings tent. A breeze not very strong.


Just like the kings of old stories that have never been told this one began to shift its words to share. That rock the lads family knew of, they only knew about, was in the King's sleeping chamber in the king's huge tent. Of course the King would have his tent set up there. And yes the reason was clear why to all but the advisor whose evil plot was now in the works. He was about to enter and to lift the beautiful sword at the Kings bed table. When he slipped in he found no sword.


The imaginary enemy! You've built up such a nice large family. And all because you have one. All their bodies to protect you like a castle walled so that no one can get to you inside.


Unlike the one in this story your enemy isn't the lad or the advisor. But like the one in this story if you don't stop listening to your inner fears and don't stop chasing the one you think is your enemy, the true enemy who is inside you will advise you and when your family all are surrounded by another innocent lad whose life is in your mind like the one I write of, it won't go so well for you and yours.


I found a rectangular shaped thing while I barely was out of my tender loincloth. I pondered it with the eyes of a child. Then buried it again. The reason why is known to me now. And the story I have written should give you a clue, for saying I have lost my gauntlet is like saying you think I am a king.


If you decide to continue reading this story, you will have to find it where it was written by the scribes for those who know it in all and this part I've shared too, you'll found out, i.e., if things in the story turn out well for the lad.


If you don't pick up the book and read the rest from where I leave off, and find out what happened in the next chapter, that is, last chapter. You'll never know who or what I do now, or what I ever will be.


Errr.... Hard pass.


If I could pass I would too. :laugh:








I understand you've no knowledge of the Blacksmiths Genealogy, the lad that King Saul made a King during the festival that came after, and that if the evil advisor had gotten his way King Saul would have lost his families book that day. For the people in the mountain above, were high overhead, and rocks made for an avalanche would have ended King Saul and all his family, friends, army, and all.


Remember! Your genealogy is all that will be if one day we aren't as lucky to have the story end that like it did that day, that day David spared King Saul and his entire peoples lives in the village where David grew up. Where the mountain would have spoken and it's breath would have destroyed all in its path.


Mountains rocks aren't all the kills. Their breath is known to be atrocious. :sick: :laugh:


My Great GrandFather was a blacksmith. I have the words in my head from the story told passed down from generation to generation. KIng Saul gave the sword David had made for his birthday back to him the day of the festival after the morning of the end of the evil advisors reign. On that day he bestowed on David the official status of king.


Wise King Saul has made the evil advisor guardian of King Saul's and King David's genealogy books. And the evil advisors family are the ones who continue to write the story as each of the members rise to life, until the day we die.


If you remember your family, as long as you live and you remember your days and nights the end days will never shed an evil shadow on your mind. And no farce will make you laugh so hard, when you realize the one you've been blind to.


Those who forget repeat, those who remember keep to their feet, and never wonder when we will meet again.


We will. Meet again. That is, Saul and David will always be BFF.


I have left out parts of the families story that only my children shall ever hear. Be so with the ones you love and you'll never lose sight of your family from being lead astray by the Evil within.

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I do my friend ... I do.


What lays beyond the final turn will be my entire moment in that moment, but that moment is not this moment.


Granted, answers have a certain allure with their glimmer and flash, but what gives them meaning?



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I did mean to add thanks ... often I can be a bit more than a bit dense. You 'splained it well Pag. Mr. Harvey is once more in the house.


- Edit - I see the way you're lookin' at me ... I can feel the eyes upon me!!

Edited by Striker879
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LOL ... what you don't realise is my imagination is very precise. Your "hover pop-up" gave away your focus, and a little later a little red flag told me what you were up to.


All is good (and you are once again right ... the Sandman and Sleep Pixies couldn't stem the tide that even yet sloshes into the recesses ... I need a blank page to begin).

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Hold up your mouse in your right hand, place your left hand on the keyboard, and repeat the words you see.


Do you solemnly swear that the whole book is in your head, and nothing but the whole book, so help you all 9999 of Cyberspace's God's!


Just type or tell Cortana; you does or you doesn't. :wink: :wink:



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