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I never had to look for different servers on Steam, right now location is Toronto, closest i can use.


Paga ... you are a wiley one, he fell for it! Quick, fire the heat seeker while he's still warm and you know which way to aim!!


Sorry Niph, Paga has me all wound up.


"Hunting me is like looking for water that isn't in a glass" ... love it!! I see Niph looking high and low, while all along the drop on the leaf behind him, then the mist rising from the waterfall watch him, biding their time, waiting for the moment to pounce.


Paga you had me ready to jump to a new tab and search for a link ... then I scrolled far enough to see you were miles ahead of me. "You can do anything ..." but then that brought another image to mind. "Oh he's not bothering me Ma'am ... hey kid, show me that crazy thing with the leg again".

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I never had to look for different servers on Steam, right now location is Toronto, closest i can use.


STEAM is only a purveyor. Hello Games has two servers. One for all the public. Hello Games main server is for those who just want to play the game alone or as a friend or foe.


I have an account on the other server on the road less traveled. If you are so inclined you can find it.


Until you do. I'll be there among all the ones who know the games you will discover, after you've found it. I hope you've no innocents left or when you do you'll lose it there if you do not know what to expect when you dream the dreams we do.

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It's been a month since I found a code in an old, I mean possibly the year the game came out old, post on STEAM's forum for the game. I didn't write it down, because I didn't think to since I figured it was so old it would not work. It was for an experimental group.


I'm not sure where the post with the code is to put in the STEAM settings for the game is. It was because I was searching for something else, like I do, and found it instead, like I do. I didn't even think it would still work. I am curious like the cat that was killed, and it worked, so, I am signed into that server when I am playing the game. It's like a ghost town in the game playing on it.


I found hundreds of message bots floating in one, daily quests only, for multiplayers quests from the Anomaly. WE can play the quests alone. The bots look like an orange instead of blue colored GTN floating in mid air and were left behind with short notes. Hi from so and so, etc.. I even found some bases that were built, deserted, like I wrote, no people like a ghost town.


If you can find the post with the code to it STEAM forums I am purty sure you won't have any trouble finding my No Man's Sky sig if you get that server link. I might be the only one even playing on it.









But it seems I don't make many friends when I do what I do the way I do.

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Looks like I am good for something more than just being an old (video gamer) fart; because I play video games when I can't sleep.


Last evening I was finishing writing.


I planned to check out PetriKM NoMan'sSciene Mod. The electricity went out. My APC Back - UPS unit started beeping. I had only gotten No Man's Sky up on the monitor. I was getting ready to test the refinery mod in No Man's Sky!


Lightning hit just outside of the city's northern border. I heard the APC Back - UPS stop and restart. Fifteen minutes later everyone who has a house, in the community I live in, lost power. Street lights, everything. I asked Google for the number to call to call in outages.


I was talking to a gal, Sandra she said her name was. I was looking outside while she asked me a whole bunch of standard questions. A couple minutes went by when I heard and saw an explosion. It looked like a loud fireworks cannon, or mortar shot, bursting in the air. But it was out in the area where an electric pole was over a place of business. It exploded two blocks over.


She told me if I had a phone with access to the Internet that I could see the status and when it would be repaired. Since that loud blinding light sent sparks out I thought I should have heard the local fire fighters sirens as they rushed to make sure no fire had started on anyone's roof. And especially dressed up to remove the hazardous waste materials spread out from inside that electronic power company 5 gallon size can on the power pole. That metal can has two posts, like a battery, and is filled with stuff that is harmful to us. Even if we only get near enough to it, it can make us ill. And if we are exposed to too much of it from a distance or get any of it on us it can cause burns like battery acid, and lead to skin cancer.


I sat up until 11:40 PM waiting to see if they came rushing over to the spot where I saw the sparks fly to clean up the mess. I turned in after looking at the website outage map. Power came back on at 1:00 AM. Just in time before the APC Back - UPS ran out of power to save my frozen foods from thawing out. Mini frig with a freezer. NO NOT ALL MY PIZZA's.


I would have had to eat them all because once they are thawed their dough only will keep so long before it won't rise. I have 4 frozen 10 inch pizza in there. Cripes. I would have had to call an emergency Pizza Party!


That might have been fun! Maybe next time it will happen during the afternoon and I can call out; PIZZA PARTY! :teehee: I just realized. Those people in the neighborhood who have frozen food delivered to their homes may have a mess in their freezers. I think they will discover that it isn't much good if it is refrozen. Dough covered stuff tastes like cardboard. Pizza's lose the yeast effective and won't rise when cooked.


I am sure glad Hey! Google figured out what I meant to say and I got Sandra on the phone when I did. :dance: Or my stored up Pizza's would have been :yucky: .

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WOW poor Pagafyr, all that excitement must of been something to see, I thought of getting a UPS for something like power outage, so at least we could have internet. and power save with a laptop, instead of a your pc draining the ups to much.


I would turn the pc off and switch over to a laptop.



Also I achieved a goal today, 60fps stable with 150 mods, rock solid stable fps. With some tweaking, with mods I achieved it. The game has zero stuttering or lag. On a 1070gtx woot. With full shadows, and bells and whistles.

Edited by niphilim222
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