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MMMM Ketchup Doritos...


This caught my eye. Cuz I used to eat Ketchup Mayonaise & Mustard Sandwiches.

Mmmm Delicious .


I guess now days it's kind of a social requirement to at least put a piece of ham on it ?

Oh the sad state of social evolution :sad:



Now I have this visual of Mk furtively pulling the kitchen blinds closed, and nervously glancing behind while pulling a knife out of the drawer ...


Then the squirting and spreading begins!!



I know Miracle Whip is a step above Mayo, but it was moldy at the top of the jar. I didn't have a knife, fork, spoon, ketchup, chips, or bread. I figured out the old cabin I found that night had a well. Someone disconnected the pipes the last time they were there. 10 years before I showed up. Maybe?


I managed to figure out how the pipes needed to be assembled. There was axel grease in a round metal dish. After I greased the pipes the stuff I pumped out of the tap was orange for several minutes before it started looking like water. My hand was too big to finger out some MW so I used a piece of newspaper that I found sticking out of the cabin wall. Probably was for insulation in the Winter. I discovered there was a town further along the two lane highway, with people in it, the next morning.


Now you wouldn't recognize the place. It became a metropolis since I was there last.

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MMMM Ketchup Doritos...


This caught my eye. Cuz I used to eat Ketchup Mayonaise & Mustard Sandwiches.

Mmmm Delicious .


I guess now days it's kind of a social requirement to at least put a piece of ham on it ?

Oh the sad state of social evolution :sad:



Now I have this visual of Mk furtively pulling the kitchen blinds closed, and nervously glancing behind while pulling a knife out of the drawer ...


Then the squirting and spreading begins!!



What kind of bread ?

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Off the cuff ... I've been listening to Arthur C Clark audio books.

The readers are ofcourse English speaking with all their ways of pronouncing things.

One of the short stories was about someone living in an ice age.

And they kept wondering what was up with the noise from the north.

In the end they figured out it was a Glassier comming.

And that is how they said it in the end. "Glassier"

Being that it was the end of the story with nothing else to explain it.

I was like "What the FOOK " What is the punch line of the story ?

Then later I figured out they meant "Glacier"


Isn't it funny how that simple vowel pronunciation changes things so much ?

Another one I've noticed of late "Meethane" instead of "Methane"

But you can't harrass them about their pronunciation of english ... because they are English !

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LOL ... have you come over to the "dark side" Paga. "Shiver me timbers, mind the gaff and get that mainsl' stowed afor the squall hits ya scurvy dogs!!"


So I see I'm not the only one making frequent "pit stops" through the night. Ain't gettin' old grand??


- Edit - Forgot to mention I watched a few Jack Horner videos a few days ago ... pretty cool guy!


I'm not frozen! I'm ALIVE!


This Tuesday morning on September 8, 2020 left me thrilled. Alert as can be about traveling south in a big hurry because the barrels load kept waking me again all night. The window to the west let in just enough air to feel Autumn's chill seems determined to stay.


It's 7:00 AM MST and the Sun is due East with a mournful 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Low enough to freeze anyone who has no shelter or clothes to bare the low temperature. I opened the East window to let the Sun's warm rays in to make sure my thermometer is correct.


Anyone else experiencing the sudden shift in temperature over the last 5 days? Shifted so far it's more like Winter's entering the scene early?


I unrolled my Winter fart sack and slid it over the top of my Spring and Summer bed bag. I got just warmth to my toes in time to stop the pains from August's wanes where there be pains in two toes.





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MMMM Ketchup Doritos...


This caught my eye. Cuz I used to eat Ketchup Mayonaise & Mustard Sandwiches.

Mmmm Delicious .


I guess now days it's kind of a social requirement to at least put a piece of ham on it ?

Oh the sad state of social evolution :sad:



Now I have this visual of Mk furtively pulling the kitchen blinds closed, and nervously glancing behind while pulling a knife out of the drawer ...


Then the squirting and spreading begins!!



What kind of bread ?




There was a time when if you didn't say 12 Grain (you know ... the one with all the bark and twigs sticking out of it ... Euell Gibsons "Mmm, tastes like wild hickory nuts to me!!") I wouldn't be dropping by for lunch. Times change, and dietary habits need to follow. Euell's nuts are off limits, and the bark and twigs just cause plumbing problems.


Whole wheat?? It's at the limit for me, but if it's good for you I'm in!!

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LOL ... have you come over to the "dark side" Paga. "Shiver me timbers, mind the gaff and get that mainsl' stowed afor the squall hits ya scurvy dogs!!"


So I see I'm not the only one making frequent "pit stops" through the night. Ain't gettin' old grand??


- Edit - Forgot to mention I watched a few Jack Horner videos a few days ago ... pretty cool guy!


I'm not frozen! I'm ALIVE!


This Tuesday morning on September 8, 2020 left me thrilled. Alert as can be about traveling south in a big hurry because the barrels load kept waking me again all night. The window to the west let in just enough air to feel Autumn's chill seems determined to stay.


It's 7:00 AM MST and the Sun is due East with a mournful 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Low enough to freeze anyone who has no shelter or clothes to bare the low temperature. I opened the East window to let the Sun's warm rays in to make sure my thermometer is correct.


Anyone else experiencing the sudden shift in temperature over the last 5 days? Shifted so far it's more like Winter's entering the scene early?


I unrolled my Winter fart sack and slid it over the top of my Spring and Summer bed bag. I got just warmth to my toes in time to stop the pains from August's wanes where there be pains in two toes.







Aye ... there has been a sea change here too. That long finger of foul weather that spawned in your neck of the woods was almost extending as far east as here when I turned in. Booms of thunder were my alarm clock this AM. Weather radar loop showed that awful blue colour south of you Paga ... did you wake up to white ground?

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