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Lol its all good, it was caffeine free coke...




On the flip side of life...


All I am contending with today is unhealthy levels of smoke from the lower 48 states nations mid-western and western states forest fires.


Too many national parks are burning along with many woodland properties owned by people.


The many people who fight are outnumbered where they can fight forest fires. National Parks are listed as protected and any fire inside their border is supposed to let burn their course out.



Many don't know that long before we "paler" races arrived here, the Native North Americans practiced controlled burns regularly. Mature forest doesn't support deer herds, but recently burned regrowth forest does.


Niph it's a good thing you didn't go really really old school on your Coke ... like back when Coke had coke in it!!

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Hi guys, it's 7-zip one of the best compressors to use in the ios system according to 7zipiler.
this is true or what do you recommend?



That is the one that is most used on this site. There are a few times I've noticed that certain RAR archives aren't working, but it's not a regular thing ... otherwise 7-Zip works flawlessly.

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Lol its all good, it was caffeine free coke...




On the flip side of life...


All I am contending with today is unhealthy levels of smoke from the lower 48 states nations mid-western and western states forest fires.


Too many national parks are burning along with many woodland properties owned by people.


The many people who fight are outnumbered where they can fight forest fires. National Parks are listed as protected and any fire inside their border is supposed to let burn their course out.



Many don't know that long before we "paler" races arrived here, the Native North Americans practiced controlled burns regularly. Mature forest doesn't support deer herds, but recently burned regrowth forest does.


Niph it's a good thing you didn't go really really old school on your Coke ... like back when Coke had coke in it!!



I wonder if the paler race existed before and some of the cave dwellers children began playing near lightning caused fires? You know? And after many years the light pale white skin was roasted to a light red? Thus a group of lightly toasted children became redder faced and fondly referred to as fire bugs? After being struck by lightning a few times children became thought of as fire starters, farming trees as their trade, only to be falsely called such? They were just innocent by standers and tried like the dickens to put out the fire, some successful at it???


Later to be called Redskins? Later to be referred to as Lightning Children? Later to be called Smoke Jumpers, from seeing them stomping on flames than jumping up and down in pain from having burned their bare feet?


Or after seeing some mountain goats eating coffee beans, they ate the ripe red coffee beans and that was what gave their skin that color? Of course after many, many years of eating coffee beans they fought the mountain goats for while outside the caves dark safe shade where their pale skinned relatives craved fungi, mold, and darkness as they watched their children live it up more and more outdoors?


You know?! It's possible that cave dwellers began to stay outdoors more after certain planetary commotions settled down? There might have been coffee beans once that grew wild in the Rocky Mountain's range near caves and the like? Where paler people emerged after the planet's stomach settled down? You know! They ate them all and moved along and became wanderers looking for food to keep their caffeinated neural networks from getting sluggish?


Hm? That could mean then that all of us were the paler race once upon a time?

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Lol its all good, it was caffeine free coke...




On the flip side of life...


All I am contending with today is unhealthy levels of smoke from the lower 48 states nations mid-western and western states forest fires.


Too many national parks are burning along with many woodland properties owned by people.


The many people who fight are outnumbered where they can fight forest fires. National Parks are listed as protected and any fire inside their border is supposed to let burn their course out.



Many don't know that long before we "paler" races arrived here, the Native North Americans practiced controlled burns regularly. Mature forest doesn't support deer herds, but recently burned regrowth forest does.


Niph it's a good thing you didn't go really really old school on your Coke ... like back when Coke had coke in it!!



I wonder if the paler race existed before and some of the cave dwellers children began playing near lightning caused fires? You know? And after many years the light pale white skin was roasted to a light red? Thus a group of lightly toasted children became redder faced and fondly referred to as fire bugs? After being struck by lightning a few times children became thought of as fire starters, farming trees as their trade, only to be falsely called such? They were just innocent by standers and tried like the dickens to put out the fire, some successful at it???


Later to be called Redskins? Later to be referred to as Lightning Children? Later to be called Smoke Jumpers, from seeing them stomping on flames than jumping up and down in pain from having burned their bare feet?


Or after seeing some mountain goats eating coffee beans, they ate the ripe red coffee beans and that was what gave their skin that color? Of course after many, many years of eating coffee beans they fought the mountain goats for while outside the caves dark safe shade where their pale skinned relatives craved fungi, mold, and darkness as they watched their children live it up more and more outdoors?


You know?! It's possible that cave dwellers began to stay outdoors more after certain planetary commotions settled down? There might have been coffee beans once that grew wild in the Rocky Mountain's range near caves and the like? Where paler people emerged after the planet's stomach settled down? You know! They ate them all and moved along and became wanderers looking for food to keep their caffeinated neural networks from getting sluggish?


Hm? That could mean then that all of us were the paler race once upon a time?



Oh the possibilities ... eh Paga? Too bad we don't have that Time Machine so we could get the "right" right answer!!


But then again, where's the fun in that?? Speculation seems like much more fertile ground for coffee growing.

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What came to my mind was chili with macroni, beans, beef and New Cheddar Potato Chips. Lunch!


I hope not to become too solid via Lithification or Consolidation either; so constipation is the furthest from my mind as I eat. ;laugh;


Stay the course ... good plan!!


- Edit - I did remember to look for those chips last time at the store. Sadly, no joy. :sad:

Edited by Striker879
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