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I have a Samsung since this year. It was a decision between Samsung and LG so if you don`t want a Samsung go LG.


Made myself a pot of Curry for dinner. Oh Boy, was that was a win!



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All the kinds of televisions you mention are Smart TVs. As smart as, or better, than your PS5. Or haven't you been reading the specs when you buy electronic parts.


Ah HAH! I just had another Sherlock Holmes epiphany!


niphilim222 you've become as lazy as the other people in my classes electronic world. You've joined my brothers group in need of counseling. They can no longer find their house without their cell phone. They often forget the button they have to push to unlock the front door when the facial recognition camera on the door doesn't recognize them.


Ah Hah! Wash that smudge off your face from your restaurant meal or your house isn't going to open the door for you because it thinks you don't like it's good cooking that it does for you every day.


That's what I was missing. Artificial Intelligence is making life miserable for people who have no disabilities. Now I know why my mental health has been becoming less of a problem. Ooo! If I weren't a disabled person I would be ROFLMAO.




Easy as Pizza (pie).

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Samsung gets transparent smartphone Patent.

I am one who seeks knowledge, likes adventure, and I record the past.

I saw the first blueprint for a telephone that is barely bigger than a BB for a BB Gun that fits into the skin near the ear and throat. We still don't have the machines or the people trained to make the little phones. We are getting closer though.

The blueprint is of a working model that would be miniaturized so we could be using them instead of these handheld burdens. They will make the world a lot better place to live during 2025 to the 2200s.

This one; Will, is for those who feel a little lonely. Do you need an entire fembot? Or maybe just a hand?

Have you been checking Technovelgy.com to see what real life advances real scientists and real Inventors have created from Sci-Fi stories lately?


Easy as Pizza (pie).

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I'm looking for my hard copy of Deus Ex. It's amazing what they are doing with human prosthetic technology. I'd be able to fight my way out of a wet paper bag with what I've seen; that is really being made.


I thought of the movie Avatar when I found out what's new.


A new cap that can read our brain's signaling motor functions that are sent out to our arms and legs. I mean Wow! While experimenting with feeling with robotic fingers they've discovered amazing stuff that shows we'll be able to have real sense of touch, tender and gentle gripping and no accidental crushing of beer cans on our forehead.


Just putting the cap on without surgical implants could show if my brains signals are all okay. So they would find out if my brain is able transmit correct motor movements to my hands and feet. I could fulfill my lifelong dreams. Climbing the highest mountain :laugh: , swimming the English Channel :down: , running a 25 K race :huh: , etc. and... At my age?!


I know. The hope I have would be considered unlikely as it is out of my monetary range, and if Santa did, bring me enough money to pay for the fancy gear, OVERKILL just so I can type 250 words a minute and play video games so well I wouldn't have to turn on TGM ever again!


Yeah. It could be a bit overdoing it and too easy for a robotic body. At least I would only be attached to the robotic arms with hands while wearing the cap. I still have mine and they are good enough to eat, drink, and turn on the 4K 3D Blu-ray and DVD Samsung video player to watch The Addam's Family Values on Christmas Eve and right after that The Nightmare before Christmas, just before tucking in for awhile while Pugsley and Wednesday see if they can catch Santa Kissing Mommy under the Mistletoe. That is if Gomez can pry his lips off of Morticia's arm long enough to kiss her on the mouth. :wink: :wink:


I can almost hear the carolers caroling out front of the Addams Family Mansion. While the Addamses are up on the roof heating up a nice cauldron of boiling oil.


Easy as Pizza (pie).

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