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Me neither. Then again, it's 1PM around here.




And guys, here's a valuable lesson I learned today - Never tell a pregnant, hormonal woman that she looks like a flotation device.

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And it will be horrible.


So, I got STEAM credit as refund for Saint's Row IV, and learned a significant lesson; sometimes, the fun factor of a game is inversely proportionate to the size of it's install. Since I've got a pre-order on X-Rebirth and X-Com Declassified, I instead spent the eighty quid picking up games I'd never really had a chance to play. Discovered that despite being little bigger than an e-mail, Terraria is still more fun than Call Of Dog. I mean Call Of Duty. Especially when you make a Hell-evator, trap all the other players in it, then fill it up LAVA. I think the best description would be "mwuahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!"

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Never tell a pregnant, hormonal woman that she looks like a flotation device

Another lesson in common sense :tongue:


Pretty much, but I did say that. I also said that I'll have free milk for coffee when she starts lactating. And I've been screwing with her now that her hemorrhoids started receding and it itches her, every time I would scratch my arse as part of my normal morning ritual she'd say it's impolite, now I do the same to her.


I'm gonna pay dearly for all that, won't I? :laugh:

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Oh dear Werne!
Wait till she gets UFO (Unidentified Female Object) and hunts you with flying saucers you need to pew pew down with your heat vision, or get smacked hard by the female pan inquisition (FPI) for telling here cucumbers, sour herrings, and honey aren't available for a meal together.

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