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The Croatian Google Play store's top charts are filled with bullshit.


Oh god just by looking at the top charts of the entertainment section; nude scanner, animals repeating your voice in a stupid way, face swap, fat booth. Apparently, everybody with a phone is a 12 year old.

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Don't know if someone already showed you gentlemen this; if they did, I'm sorry about the redundancy.




Title is - wait for it - "Pony Stark".


From http://www.buzzfeed.com/rebeccae/my-little-pony-for-geeks :happy:

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I don't know why but people honestly think they can screw with me.


This one guy told me to send him the graphics card I'm selling and that he'll transfer money to my account immediately, before I send it. That was three days ago, bastard still didn't pay but he promptly calls to ask if I sent it. Of course I didn't send the card, I ain't sending it until I receive a confirmation that the money is on my account, and it isn't. :mad:


Some other guy is trying to make me send him a hard drive and he said he'll pay after I tell him I sent it. Told him that last week (even though I didn't send it), no money yet. And he keeps calling me and asking when will the HDD come. When you pay, you cheap, thieving bastard. :dry:


And then there is this one local guy who is the mac daddy of idiocy. This brilliant individual wants me to give him a computer so he can test it, and he'll pay me in three months "if he likes the PC". He also said that he will neither return it, nor pay for it, if he doesn't like it because, and I quote, "he wasted time trying it out". Oh really? What makes him think I'll agree to those terms? And what makes him think he'll survive if he doesn't pay me? I should kick his f***ing ass just because he said something as idiotic as that, and break his legs for further amusement. :verymad:




God damn it, I can't make money if they all just want to screw me over. :sad:

Edited by Werne
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I don't know why but people honestly think they can screw with me.


This one guy told me to send him the graphics card I'm selling and that he'll transfer money to my account immediately, before I send it. That was three days ago, bastard still didn't pay but he promptly calls to ask if I sent it. Of course I didn't send the card, I ain't sending it until I receive a confirmation that the money is on my account, and it isn't. :mad:


Some other guy is trying to make me send him a hard drive and he said he'll pay after I tell him I sent it. Told him that last week (even though I didn't send it), no money yet. And he keeps calling me and asking when will the HDD come. When you pay, you cheap, thieving bastard. :dry:


And then there is this one local guy who is the mac daddy of idiocy. This brilliant individual wants me to give him a computer so he can test it, and he'll pay me in three months "if he likes the PC". He also said that he will neither return it, nor pay for it, if he doesn't like it because, and I quote, "he wasted time trying it out". Oh really? What makes him think I'll agree to those terms? And what makes him think he'll survive if he doesn't pay me? I should kick his f***ing ass just because he said something as idiotic as that, and break his legs for further amusement. :verymad:




God damn it, I can't make money if they all just want to screw me over. :sad:

Aaaaaaand, relax :tongue:


If your gonna try to sell stuff expect to get attempts from con artists, having said that however that last is actually taking the piss. Not just taking the piss though, he might as well be walking into your house and piss on your family, s*** on the floor, then blame you for having a house that looks like a toilet.


Don't get mad though, because this is one of two things - a) He has decided to communicate with a real life person after years of solitude in his mother's basement and in that time felt some sort of superiority toward 'normal folk' or whatever and thinks he is clever enough to take advantage of everyone, or b) He is winding you up.


Tell him where to go (at your discretion :devil: ) and wait patiently for the legit customers :thumbsup:

Edited by Ironman5000
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Sorry but Ironpony lacks the proper facial expression a silverpony has... ( sorry Ironman )

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