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*shudders at the above post* I watched that film for the first time a few months ago because my mum wanted it on, and it creeped me the hell out. I can never look at Tim Curry in the same light ever again :facepalm:


EDIT: Not to mention my gf used to have a gay friend who tried it on with me while dressed as this guy for halloween...awkward!


I'm intrigued but not getting what you're talking about.


What movie? And who's "that guy"? And what about your gf's gay guy, he tried what?


Sorry, this just got me horribly curious ._.


It's from Rocky Horror Picture Show, a film that is really popular with gay guys over here like a cult thing, it's kinda like a musical. Tim Curry plays this guy...not sure quite how to describe him, you would have to watch it. Anyway this mate of my gf was joking about "stealing" me from her, but later he tried chatting me up in a bar so I think he was serious :laugh:

Edited by Ironman5000
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*shudders at the above post* I watched that film for the first time a few months ago because my mum wanted it on, and it creeped me the hell out. I can never look at Tim Curry in the same light ever again :facepalm:


EDIT: Not to mention my gf used to have a gay friend who tried it on with me while dressed as this guy for halloween...awkward!


I'm intrigued but not getting what you're talking about.


What movie? And who's "that guy"? And what about your gf's gay guy, he tried what?


Sorry, this just got me horribly curious ._.


It's from Rocky Horror Picture Show, a film that is really popular with gay guys over here like a cult thing, it's kinda like a musical. Tim Curry plays this guy...not sure quite how to describe him, you would have to watch it. Anyway this mate of my gf was joking about "stealing" me from her, but later he tried chatting me up in a bar so I think he was serious :laugh:


Sorry Ironman that i caused with a simple gif a slight gender identity crisis in you.

You know that some gay dudes try to check you up in this way to see if you are uneasy with them. watch your heat sinks in your armor and everything will be cool.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Unless shes pregnant too I doubt it will be that confusing surely?

She looks different from the front since she doesn't have a balloon-like belly, but they still look the same from the back since my wife isn't chubby, only her belly got bloated. If I grab the wrong arse again, now that she's hormonal and nuts, I'll be sleeping in the back yard. :ohdear:


Take a quick peep from the side view before you go for a squeeze and you should be right. :thumbsup:

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*shudders at the above post* I watched that film for the first time a few months ago because my mum wanted it on, and it creeped me the hell out. I can never look at Tim Curry in the same light ever again :facepalm:


EDIT: Not to mention my gf used to have a gay friend who tried it on with me while dressed as this guy for halloween...awkward!


I'm intrigued but not getting what you're talking about.


What movie? And who's "that guy"? And what about your gf's gay guy, he tried what?


Sorry, this just got me horribly curious ._.


It's from Rocky Horror Picture Show, a film that is really popular with gay guys over here like a cult thing, it's kinda like a musical. Tim Curry plays this guy...not sure quite how to describe him, you would have to watch it. Anyway this mate of my gf was joking about "stealing" me from her, but later he tried chatting me up in a bar so I think he was serious :laugh:


Sorry Ironman that i caused with a simple gif a slight gender identity crisis in you.

You know that some gay dudes try to check you up in this way to see if you are uneasy with them. watch your heat sinks in your armor and everything will be cool.


Hey I don't mind at all, I get flirted with often when i'm out, so does my gf, and we tend to flirt back, both genders too but just for fun :tongue:. I have had my fair share of gay guys flirting with me and I get along with them great, just that one guy was a bit creepy and flamboyant so when I saw that film I could see why he chose to dress as that character :ohdear:

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