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We can get summer heat of 38c, humidex of 100% and feels like 45c in the shade :teehee: thats Canada's wacky weather extremes at work


Here's a good example of humidity extremes.



Edited by Thor.
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The great thing about Melbourne weather is it's just got two settings: hot and cold, and you can tell days in advance what it's going to be.


Melbourne's at the very southern tip of the east coast, which means it's got a pretty extreme latitude, and the ocean south of it is extremely cold. During winter and some summer days, the wind blows northwards off the icy Antarctic ocean, creating a cold-temperate climate, with high humidity and temperatures between 10 and 25 degrees. Most of Australia's center is desert, so when the wind blows southwards, you normally get hot, dry days. This weather type dominates the summer months, and you get blisteringly high temperatures-(28-45 degrees) but, thankfully, it's very dry so all you have to do is go inside and you can escape the worst of it.


The only issue with the hot/dry combo is the fire danger. Summers are extremely dry, and a lot of Australian vegetation actually uses wildfires as a method to reproduce or shed old growth. This means occasionally you get near-apocalyptic wildfires that are large enough to see from space, and burn for weeks. Thankfully there hasn't been one since 2009, but folks do have to be vigilant and ready to pack up and ship out if one does hit critical mass. Fortunately we have an organisation called the CFA, which is a huge volunteer fire-fighting agency, which does help a lot with keeping them under control. One of their main tactics is to burn huge areas of forest every spring and autumn to keep the plants healthy(sounds crazy but it does serve an important function) and to burn away all the built up, hyper-flammable leaf-litter.




The last truly massive blaze was "black saturday" back in '09. It really did look like the end of days for a while, and the aftermath was... post apocalyptic. Amazingly though, the eucalyptus trees that dominate Australian forests, are actually naturally fire-resistant, and most of the trees you see here would have survived just fine. They're bloody indestructible.

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At least you don't get tornado warnings and massive storms that could take out a house, We had one rip right through Goderich once, straight through the downtown core, directly down main street.


to this day they are still recovering.

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Different countries, different hazards. The good thing about a fire is, normally you can get out of the way-with a praire tornado, you can't. The bad thing about a fire is, if it does get out of control, the destruction can be catastrophic. At least you don't have to worry about an entire district getting burned to ashes.

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Hello morning to everyone, i was thinking of something all night that happened me to me not to long a go at my cousins place that kind of freaked me out :blink: , I believe his house is haunted. Not joking either, it was a interesting experience staying overnight there for the second time in my life.


One night just before i had to go to work i was minding my own business trying to get some shut eye for the night in the guest room, Suddenly late at night i was still trying to get some sleep, but couldn't sleep at all, one second later i heard as if it was yelling in my head, My first name isn't much of a secret, you can find me on psn as scott60gbuser. Anyways it promptly started yelling my name over and over again as if it was trying to tell me something, i opened my eyes seeing no one was there, then closed them again, this female voice continued to yell my name as if trying to warn me of something. I then realized something, wasn't afraid or anything which was odd to think about it, then i politely as if i was talking to her face to face, can you kindly get out of my head, then later on fell asleep, but soon after heard the alarm buttons click as if it was being set. I never thought ghosts could be friendly, funny thing we never had anyone pass away in our family at the house, could it be from previous owner or someone could be still there.


Its nice knowing there is a friendly ghost at the house, now thinking about it kind of freaky to, you know those people sensitive enough to speak to ghosts, i believe they are called mediums.


Even freakier knowing that to :blink: :blink: :blink: How i even thought of that other then freaking out lol. I have been in the past a skeptic of ghosts, but ever sense my grand father past away, stranger things have happened,

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