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Never have I heard a more beautiful love song than this.

I prefer metal love songs more.




By the way guys, Nexus doesn't allow more than two embedded YouTube videos in one post since the last forum upgrade, but you can bypass it and have a total of four by adding two videos encased in [ media]<link>[ /media] or [ youtube]<link>[ /youtube] code and two more as pure links without any code. Just in case you ever want to add a bunch of videos in one post. :wink:

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Never have I heard a more beautiful love song than this.

I prefer metal love songs more.




By the way guys, Nexus doesn't allow more than two embedded YouTube videos in one post since the last forum upgrade, but you can bypass it and have a total of four by adding two videos encased in [ media]<link>[ /media] or [ youtube]<link>[ /youtube] code and two more as pure links without any code. Just in case you ever want to add a bunch of videos in one post. :wink:



Oh wow I never thought I'll say this but the Nightwish stuff is amazing. f*** Rammstein though :tongue: I hate them (and thanks for the tip :thumbsup: )



On an absolutely random note, I'm pleased to say that my poem worked and my boyfriend loved it and actually wants to frame it. Which is interesting because it's literally the first poem thingy I have ever written. I feel like the new age version of Shakespeare.



And it's ok Pat, I know you're busy no need to be sorry. I hope you're doing well.

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Oh wow I never thought I'll say this but the Nightwish stuff is amazing.

Yeah, my wife got me into listening to Nightwish and bands with female vocals in general. She thought I'll hate it and so did I, but I actually like them.


But Nightwish is not the same since Tarja left a few years ago, she was the best, so now I listen to Xandria instead. I prefer powerful vocals in songs over anything. :thumbsup:




And just so you know...


f*** Rammstein

I wear a "Rammstein - Reise, Reise" shirt at the moment. :verymad:
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After two years of using it I discovered a new button on my keyboard today. It's on the left of the LCD mini-monitor, in the form of a little square sliding one with a picture of a joystick on it, and when I slide it, the picture lights up. I've tried flipping it, flipping it while holding the keyboard upside down, flipping it while scratching the back of my neck, and flipping it while playing a game with an actual joystick(I'll explain what that is down below) and it doesn't actually do anything. At all. Except for lighting up.

Foot note for modern people: a "joystick" was a device used by the pre-historic ancestors of today's PC gamers to control aircraft. During the proto-3D period (1994AD-1999AD) there were no universally adaptable controllers, and PC gamers had to either use horrible PC controllers that simply emulated keyboard functions, or more specialised game-specific devices such as steering wheels and joysticks. Of course most modern gamers wouldn't even know how to grip a joystick, let alone waggle it correctly...

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Foot note for modern people: a "joystick" was a device used by the pre-historic ancestors of today's PC gamers to control aircraft. During the proto-3D period (1994AD-1999AD) there were no universally adaptable controllers, and PC gamers had to either use horrible PC controllers that simply emulated keyboard functions, or more specialised game-specific devices such as steering wheels and joysticks. Of course most modern gamers wouldn't even know how to grip a joystick, let alone waggle it correctly...

I'm a modern gamer and I feel offended. :armscrossed:


I have a joystick, steering wheel, PlayStation controller and a pistol (yes, a pistol that is plugged into a serial port, it's used for a duck hunting game). And I know how to use all of them, I was raised on a Pentium I for god's sake. :rolleyes:

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http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/NewBeginnings2/Funny%202/hu4774.gifThats why cats hate the bathtub.


Werne don't be offended Vin. is a known "OAG" offender.

if you want to know what OAG means click spoiler...


Old Ass Gamer


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I wear a "Rammstein - Reise, Reise" shirt at the moment. :verymad:


Baby do you want to know what I'm wearing right now hmm? :kiss:


:P I'm joking, seriously though, I don't like them. I dislike metal in general, but then those German vocals added just make it worse. And those are two things that I dislike the most in music, electric/metal guitar sounds and vocals.



Foot note for modern people: a "joystick" was a device used by the pre-historic ancestors of today's PC gamers to control aircraft. During the proto-3D period (1994AD-1999AD) there were no universally adaptable controllers, and PC gamers had to either use horrible PC controllers that simply emulated keyboard functions, or more specialised game-specific devices such as steering wheels and joysticks. Of course most modern gamers wouldn't even know how to grip a joystick, let alone waggle it correctly...

I'm a modern gamer and I feel offended. :armscrossed:

I have a joystick, steering wheel, PlayStation controller and a pistol (yes, a pistol that is plugged into a serial port, it's used for a duck hunting game). And I know how to use all of them, I was raised on a Pentium I for god's sake. :rolleyes:



And +1


I'm even younger and I own 2 or 3 joysticks for flight simulation (I used to play a lot of flight simulator and a game called Crimson Skies when I was about 4 years old I think), a steering wheel with pedals and a ton of ps1 controllers.

I have a Comodore 64 somewhere in the attic as well (never used it though, I think it doesn't work anymore). And speaking about processors, I think mine was Intel's Celeron. All that thanks to my half brother, I still remember when he showed me the first Half-Life, I was throwing some kind of bug all over the place.


I still never had a pistol though :( sadness.

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