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I haven't misplaced my soul, I'm not that clumsy. No, I sold it, some guy named Lucifer bought it. He begged me to take it back after it was delivered but I was very clear on that part, I'm not taking it back. I don't know what he did with it after that.
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My win! Stay back leirynot and sPINELESSjELLY!!!
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I just got a tetanus shot because had an accident with a rusty fishing hook. I'm good.


All of you come on! Win some more.


I don't see any guests in the line up of Members, Guests, Anonymous Users. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif



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Ahh Lucifer, he really should have asked for a 30 day trial before taking it.

He should've. I just hope my soul is in Hawaii because if Lucifer took it to his place, he's going to have a big problem when I get down there. I'm going to beat him up and take his place.

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My win is bigger and bolder :biggrin:

I just realized if I post red then I have Christmas colors. Bright Christmas colors ._.

Edited by K00L
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