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The last poster wins


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I have felt thee presents of thou once forgotten evil, it trembles through my vains. We have visions of power and destruction though out the land of wintonia.



Edited by Thor.
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Sassen frassen navmesh rassen, grrrrrrrrr.


Useless NAVMESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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We will wipe thee Nevmesh from thou earth and cast thee unwanted mesh to the upper steller ways. We don't trust outsiders, for i am not happy....



Edited by Thor.
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Happy?! One can only be happy as long as the feather tickling you is held in the hand of someone who you feel trust they will not foul the game which brought gloom into the head and slowed the heart beat for the loss of one win.


Oh, so many wins it takes now. A burdensome task it has become. It doth not to appeal to the head and give heart once again to the fun and folly.


Is thy change of position and reasoning which will glob together a reason to post more thousands of times. And thou will.


Continue to amaze and dam, cast the evil eye and spout on about an adventure thee has t just returned from and awaken the ye knights of the round table of Camelot. Return to the great round table and serve up thee tales of adventure and wins.


So bold was I to fight the largest most fearsome dragon. It's scales were stronger them my steel plates armoring me from it flaming breath. I fought, dashing in on horseback with my lance raised to strike at the heart. The only way I knew. When the lance broke I cast my broken piece to the ground. I grabbed my mace in hand and charged again. Swinging the links on the matter until this struck and shattered. The dragon laughed and spewed flames that caused my horse to back off.


I fought with my sword drawn inches from the long sharp claws. I spent my energy dodging such swift attacks. I dodged it clawed five finger hand and the sweep of the dragon's tail I lept over.


The dragon toyed with me. Mocking my every move until I saw he was blocking my every move and barely a breath of exhaust came forth. I was dared to give up. When I saw the strange sign. A heavenly gift with which I knew only in my mind. The bones of the dragon nearby had fallen long ago and began to rot its flesh off. There was the wooden device which caught my eye.


I rushed past my opponent lifted it up and ran.


I was feverish and uncertain I had enough strength to reason with another moment of mortal combat. I ducked into the shallows and rose up as the dragon graced my presence with awe in his eyes.


I could see in those orbs his soul was calling up a death blow for he clearly was tired of playing with me. He opened his mouth to spew for the deciding flame.


I yanked on the rope pulled up the weapon I had realized. His jaw dropped as the heat rose. His roar loud told me of my certain death if I was wrong. I flung the bucket of water down his throat.


And I stand here before again, honored by the right to take center stage inside our round table before all of you. To tell all the tale of victory.


The dragon smiled at me as the buckets water splashed down his jagged teeth out of his scaled jaw.


His breath quelled he said, "I fear not! Your thought will not stop me from roasting you for me dinner as soon as I swallow."


He swallowed hard and when he did he realized that I had figured out the sight before his cave entrance. His eyes looked back at the bones laid out of his companion. His jaws opened and his tongue stretched as far as he could it.

He gagged and choked. He threw his head about to try to get out what he had not noticed I threw in, but the bucket was lodged deep within his throat.



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