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The last poster wins


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What was that for? Not every teenager is just pretending to have disorders. Try and understand the situation a bit more before jumping to conclusions, please.

No, I'm not trying to derail the thread, I already apologized to try and avoid responses like that because I know there are always people who will jump to conclusions. Sorry again.


You can have my win pagafyr. I guess you're just in a bad mood or something. :)

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In every seeming fail there may be the germination of a win.


Now you know your internal enemy by name.


Diagnosis FTW! (Starring Dick Van Dyke).


Plus, imagine life with social anxiety disorder before the internet was around, I literally can't.


Apologies for the positivity, it's very unlike me.

I know, I know. It's just difficult for me to realize that suddenly I have so many "disorders" all at once. Dad is helping a lot and so are my (few) friends and people I meet online.

(I appreciate positivity very much, thank you *hugs*)


Oh god, no internet? That would be like, no social interaction at all. (See pic below)


And I'm sorry if I'm throwing personal problems into this thread, I just don't want to stress my friends and family with them and I hope I'm not annoying you people with it.




All your friends and relatives have the their own disorders and problems to deal with. They are probably online dumping their sorrowful, "Can't anybody help me" attitudes on the Internet too. Your family is probably watching what you post using a different name here. They all likely aware of your being here and are LTAO at your post as I type because they now know what you think you are suffering from.





*Hugs pagafyr* hey dun be mean!


And besides everyone has disorders, some just more sever than others. The level of severity is also subject to opinion, for instance I find your distasteful attitude to be more severe than iv's social anxiety. Then again you may just be trolling, in which case it's the name of the game. If however you aren't, I realize that some people, such as yourself may find it annoying when others whine about their problems. What you need to realize hun is that there are people, such as myself, who find it annoying when people WHINE ABOUT other people whining about their problems.


In any case if you really need to scrap, would you kindly go do it on another thread, this one already has a purpose in place, to reach that 400,000 post record. I'm sure a lot of us would be quite unappreciative if your provoking attitude lead to this thread being closed.

Thank You


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I have to wind my watch. That's why I prefer automatic mechanism watches, no need to wind them up every day. Edited by Werne
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What was that for? Not every teenager is just pretending to have disorders. Try and understand the situation a bit more before jumping to conclusions, please.

No, I'm not trying to derail the thread, I already apologized to try and avoid responses like that because I know there are always people who will jump to conclusions. Sorry again.


You can have my win pagafyr. I guess you're just in a bad mood or something. :)



Or something? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif I was making a fundamental point about the present way the Internet is serving us, and isn't kind to us all, which was supposed to have ended your apologetic sarcastic humors, with my intended joking about your situation in my way.



I was the 4th child in the house hold so I had a lot of ribbing and sarcasm filled in with folly was a part of the daily grind.


The Internet is a source which has taken out the family medium ground for other live brothers and sisters to fill in, who used to poke fun at me, and tickle me until I gratefully shed the sore feelings our play had caused which were out of tune with our game play. Sometimes in the enthusiasm of childhood game play things get a bit rough.


So take things I say with a grain of salt and don't be too shy to ask if something doesn't set well in your mind.


I will be most polite if asked and do my best to return you to your joyous childlike self, or I could just frame my old over eager self and hang my over achiever self portrait up up on a wall. So all who pass by will gaze upon me to see if anyone is hiding behind the picture looking at them through eye holes cut away so this old man could spy on them. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

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