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The last poster wins


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Or something? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif I was making a fundamental point about the present way the Internet is serving us, and isn't kind to us all, which was supposed to have ended your apologetic sarcastic humors, with my intended joking about your situation in my way.



I was the 4th child in the house hold so I had a lot of ribbing and sarcasm filled in with folly was a part of the daily grind.


Sarcasm is hard to convey on the internet, and what may be amusing in person, with the appropriate body language and voice tonality clues, may appear plainly vicious when expressed in text or prose, mediums which even in the hands of the most eloquent are largely devoid of these subtleties.


That is all.



Besides, I win, and if anyone questions my perma-win status I will post more baffling entries from the Eurovision song contest.

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