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My psychiatrist killed himself this morning. To tell you the truth, it was about time he did it, he was getting on my nerves with all his darn whining.


Just one question, how can a suicidal, egocentric, paranoid guy be a licensed psychiatrist? I just don't get it.

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Siamese fighting fish, the meanest, toughest and most violent fish that ever entered my aquarium. I had tropical fishes in it and one day I saw this good looking one being sold incredibly cheap so I bought it. That was a HUGE mistake, he acted normally untill one of the fishes touched him, then there were scales all over the aquarium and all the other fishes were injured.

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Siamese fighting fish, the meanest, toughest and most violent fish that ever entered my aquarium. I had tropical fishes in it and one day I saw this good looking one being sold incredibly cheap so I bought it. That was a HUGE mistake, he acted normally untill one of the fishes touched him, then there were scales all over the aquarium and all the other fishes were injured.


Really? I keep mine in a community tank and it's a little sweetie. Of course, temperaments vary. I have one that's living on its own because it wouldn't leave the fantails be.

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Just one question, how can a suicidal, egocentric, paranoid guy be a licensed psychiatrist? I just don't get it.

Nowadays it seems like anyone can go ahead and give themselves fancy titles. But being a licensed shrink does indeed raise a few questions.

Suicidal and egocentric don't really seem to mesh by the way. One would tend to think that someone who has a big ego wouldn't even be able to conceive of the idea to take his own live.


Enough with the philosophy. I win!

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@ub3rman123 Mine's a violent one, I had to get a tank only for him so he doesn't kill my other fishes. I got him a female too but that turned out to be a bad idea, they tried to kill each other the moment I placed her inside. But the female has no problem staying in the aquarium with other fishes so at least something is good.


I have to admit though, they are beautiful to look at. And as long as everyone keeps their fingers out of the water the're quite calm too, but if anyone touches the water or tank, they turn into piranhas.

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