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@ub3rman123 Mine's a violent one, I had to get a tank only for him so he doesn't kill my other fishes. I got him a female too but that turned out to be a bad idea, they tried to kill each other the moment I placed her inside. But the female has no problem staying in the aquarium with other fishes so at least something is good.


I have to admit though, they are beautiful to look at. And as long as everyone keeps their fingers out of the water the're quite calm too, but if anyone touches the water or tank, they turn into piranhas.


Oh yeah, never put a male and female together. Best case scenario is that they attack each other; worst case is they make babies (Usually they spawn about 50), which you then have to figure out how to keep separate.

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Oh! If you clean them, you scale them, and cook them first; sure I'd love to stop by for your fish barbecue. Do you have your own recipe for them.



Beer/ale/lager batter is totally a must depending upon your taste and how strong you want your batter :D


That sounds like it would be delicious.


I wonder if Thor has an equally tasty recipe with side dishes?


I wonder?


Nice Avatar change. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif Struck me as a little more dangerous looking http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png than you last one.


Oh! And not to forget what we are up to.




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