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The last poster wins


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You guys are awesome, we did it, 18k... Next milestone 19k :D :D :D
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now thats something i wouldn't have expected :blink:

they've never done this before!!! :verymad:

anyway it is about 3:30 am for me

dont know when to fall asleep

dont know when to wake. uhh my eyes are burning im out. :sleep:

Edited by ashkan33
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All that talk about waaaaaaaa aa hhooo whaaaaa tttis goooo innng oooon? Someone next door must be burning some incense and its flooding through my Air Conditioner vent. WAAaaa. Weee! I thought I was out fighting a fire in a forest. It's just the smoke from the AC vent flooding into the house. Just now I found my self staring at thisss... Wait a minute?! I don't know how to type!


What's going on here? I must be living in a dream, dreaming I am living in a dream, wandering around a dream of being in another place. Well! So this is what it like to be stoned out of your gourd?


No, not rocks! I meant high. No, no not high in the sky! I meant mellow. Wait, wait I did not mean yellow! Like a banana!


Hey you!


Chimpanzee with the AK-47!


Yeah you!


Put me down!


I'm not a banana!

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afterall its a battle between a highly traind soldier and a bunch of no good militia.

The no-good militia are actually quite powerful, compared to trained soldiers. They are skilled at using a Kalashnikov and they have a home terrain advantage while all the trained soldier has is his training which is not very extensive.


That's the worse thing, killing another human (a grown-up) is not so hard actually. But killing a child is terrible and it's either you or him so you don't have much of a choice.

Edited by Werne
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Wow! That was close. The AC was really on fire and I was being choked out of my mind by the fumes. *Fiction* *Fiction* *Fiction* Now whoa! Just a gall durn minute here. What's all this about soldiers and professional's. The real professional knows when it isn't safe to go outside and play.


The rag tag bunch picks up all their Daddy's tools and pretend they are all grown up and end up making big mess, causing the neighborhood a lot of heart ache and tears. Even some funeral's. Dad burn people who own weapons on to know better and get weapons cache safe so those babies don't go off and start another war.


That's why we smarter people keep all the ordinance locked up tighter than a drum with guards, security camera's and such so babies can grow up to be happy little campers like their lucky rich neighbors who own the factory where we make all those weapons and stuff.




I've seen your Photo in comments on my Profile and I wondered, "Why don't the people who comment choose, "Add me as a friend"? Am I too far out of the norm on the metronome or have I gotten really unkind and made some remarks that don't customarily cause any alarm where live, someone else thinks are nasty remarks, again. You know, that, I thought were the norm until I met some really different people from another side of the tracks who had been over on the other side of the tracks visiting.


And then they returned to find me where they used to be living until they went off looking for something more exciting.




All those unsuspecting, tired out, short on ammo, grenades, and all their bayonets are dull as butter knive's, little gun toting junkies.


My junk now! Mine! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif





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