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I stopped by a friends Profile and see what's on their mind and... and....

It something about the sound of one hand clapping. A sudden realization of the answer to that tree in the woods thing occurred to me when...


Deja Vu... Ooo! OOoo! *Spinning hypnotic wheel*



Yea. I figured that one out before the test. It is the sound of just one hand clapping. And the tree in the woods thing too. I was given my degree and sent out of that monastery in 9 months and two weeks.


They gave me an apple, shoved me out the door, loaded me in a basket lowering me down to the bottom of their high rock security palace, and let me keep a new purple robe.


The robe is nice and warm. Fluffy!


It was a bit big though and kept dragging me down as I crawled along through all the muck and vines. You know how we are when we are only two weeks and one day old.


Someone insisted I wear a diaper.


My was that an experience I would like to forget.


It was a cloth diaper and after awhile it got so dirty even I could not stand the smell.


I found a little creek. I sat in it and soaked.


The knots in the diaper were the hardest part to figure out. Hey! Have you ever tried to untie a wet cotton diaper cloth knot.


Once I learned to untie them and learned to wash it out tying them back up was such a bother and I was going to just leave the diaper.


A fish got caught up in it and that gave me reason to rethink the idea. Knot's aren't that hard after all. And tiny fish are really tasty.


I stayed at the creek for what seemed like an eternity. Washing my diaper and catching fish on occasion as I did.


The guys up at that old place had no pots around at the monastery. You know, where Mom put me in a basket on their special elevating porch.


Those benches up along the edge were very special. Not for just ornaments like in the garden these days. Those benches were there for a good reason up there.


You know, so no one of their important members suddenly had an accident while hanging a part of their plumbing out out over the edge to let er rip.


No muss. no fuss, no sewer pipes needing cleaning out. They had no toilets up there.


Gross hunh?


Yea! Well some of those old woman dodgers up there took no pity on birds nesting on the cliffs below and it became kind of a sport to entertain ones self without any harm to any one; really.


Well, unless you like those low flying birds, that is.


The condors were another story and they seemed to think grabbing an old monastic woman dodger and droppng them off the top of the jagged plateau was amusing sport.


I figured it had to be their way of having some sport or the giant condor would have just taken the old farts up to their nest and had them over for dinner.


The condors nest was right on top of the chapel chimney.


None of the monastic woman dodgers ever put a ladder up to chase that big bird away so they could use the fireplace. I mean, phhht, what's the point.


It was always hot up there. They had to go down once a year and gather wood, gather fresh soil to make compost, and buy groceries to sustain them so they did not die off from eating the same old garden variety food they grew.


Nobody ever died of boredom up there; having low flying birds and all.

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I just edited. Did that help make it more interesting? I am not looking for understanding. I think in pictures when I am on my feet running from people trying to kill me. Than I use the pictures to go back and get some food and water and than they chase me away again.


Most fun. I hope they never catch me, because the last guy they caught has been waiting tables since forever.



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