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The last poster wins


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John Cusack, the Actor, was in a movie recently where he portrayed the nineteenth century American author, Edgar Allen Poe. The somewhat unheard of British musicians calling themselves The Beatles once had a song in which they talked about a little flightless bird kicking said American author. Ergo I was attempting to make a humorous reference to both works in an admittedly esoteric manner.

Okay, well that was pretty far-fetched.


On to more important matters though. Like me winning.

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The English rain is the only way I can get a tan.


And now we're back to Walruses, Eggmen, and kicking Edgar Allen Cusack.



Don't forget British humor.


It's humour when it's British dear boy!


Pip pip, tally ho!

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Christan Bale was in the SHAFT! remake, he's British, he was also in Batman Begins with Rās al Liam Neeson, who contracted full blown AIDS from an African Prostitute for a comedy bit on a show written by Ricky Gervais, who I hear sometimes is considered a british comedian, I don't see it though.


to Explain Rās al Liam Neeson: the prolific Irish actor, most famous for being Jesus in Star Wars Episode 1 and The Chronicles of Narnia series and asking where his daughter has been taken in Taken and Taken 2, played Rās al Ghul in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises.


This overblown post was brought to you by: Winn Dixie, the beef people.


EDIT: CBS Cares.

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