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lol :D Some little kid threw a toy at my brother once ;D I hardly ever go, but when I do go...QUARTER POUNDER WITH CHEESE!!! Which...isn't very big.... :ohdear:


More actual meat than a Mac though IIRC

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2 reasons why people buy happy meals:


1. Less to say when you are ordering


2. The burger in the happy meal is the best one out of the entire menu




I actually use this thread as some kind of Twitter. I just post random stuff that's happening over here :biggrin:

Edited by Iv000
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I once heard..about a year ago, that someone found a cockroach in a packet of chips at KFC, don't mean to put you off your meal. :tongue:

well if it was me to buy that chips, the first thing i would do was to go get another chips (without a cockroach) finish it like nothing has happend then go and make the owner take a look over it, after that we would have several options:

1. He'll nicely pay me

2. I beat the **** out of the guy and say that niether me nor anyone else will buy his **** anymore.

3. Make him eat the crap he had gave me (and yeah WITH the cockroach) and i wont tell anyone about the chips

4. He would call the security and they would beat the **** out of me

so you see no need for the health inspectors! : D

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lol ;D We have to talk to some creepy metal..speaker thing when we go to the drivethrough...rather daunting really....its metalic structure...looking at you...the voice of an incompetent cook...asking what you want....DECISIONS DECISIONS!!!



Edited by AnotherAverageName
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