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Snipers. Preferably large caliber snipers capable of firing a 12.7mm round or bigger, but smaller ones are good too. I ported some from NV Nexus but I don't really like them, they look too clean. I already made armors for myself so that's going off the list.

Hmmm maybe The Finger Of God? (be sure to check out her other mods too btw)


I'm also looking for mods similar to FWE. FWE is good but there's a problem with Apocalypse Armory, it adds weapons already added by AA so I get 2 different kinds of the same weapon. I want the game to be harder, it's just too easy.

pfew. You do realize what you're asking, yes? Maybe FOOK2 could be your thing? The only problem with that is that it isn't exectly compatible with a lot of other mods.


Another mod you could give a try is My Utility World - MUW. It's... quite something else.


Good quest mods that involve using a brain is something I want to get too. I don't want a quest where I just run through a hallway butchering millions of opponents that get in my way to get a sniper rifle that shoots nukes. I want quests that involve thinking and not just holding down the fire button till the ammo runs out, even if there is no reward in the end. Vanilla quests just won't cut it, I've finished them a bunch of times.





These will keep you busy for quite a while. Lots of thinking, fairly little shooting.


Otherwise you could also try A Note Easily Missed (haven't played that one myself though)

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Ooo! I started writing another page of words of wisdom and the sales talking of those ponderings above, my win, departed looking for something to give them rise to return to win again. Oh sloven minds playing in the shadow of their real desire cannot hide the true that this Challenging idea to beat a Guinness Book of Records would go even faster if there is a challenging site trying to beat us to the goal. Ho! Ho!


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i feel soo alone!!!! :teehee:

Any topic-comments-or subject matter i should post in, I'm five posts away from that big 3000 posts :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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