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A beautiful plant, isn't it?


Yep, and only just in flower too there, or so the internet tells me, so many beautiful secrets yet to be shared http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wink.gif


Did you know the closest relative to the cannabis plant is hops? Two sisters, at the heart of probably the two two most popular recreational drugs on the planet - since hops is valued in beer making.


You can fight drugs, you can fight drug dealers, but you can't fight nature in the end, nature has a sincere and irrepressible desire to live, regardless of our perceptions of it's creations!

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Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middle ages: heart represented the Church, spades represented the military, clubs represented agriculture, and diamonds represented the merchant class.
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You can fight drugs, you can fight drug dealers, but you can't fight nature in the end, nature has a sincere and irrepressible desire to live, regardless of our perceptions of it's creations!

True that. And I don't know why is Cannabis illegal here when we have Henbane that is used to get high. Both natural drugs but unlike Cannabis, Henbane is dangerous and legal.

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You can fight drugs, you can fight drug dealers, but you can't fight nature in the end, nature has a sincere and irrepressible desire to live, regardless of our perceptions of it's creations!

True that. And I don't know why is Cannabis illegal here when we have Henbane that is used to get high. Both natural drugs but unlike Cannabis, Henbane is dangerous and legal.


Plus, Henbane sounds like the sword of a chickenslayer http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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