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1: :mellow:

2: :huh:

1: :mellow:

2: :ermm:

1: :mellow:

2: :confused:

1: :mellow:

2: :dry:

1: :mellow:

2: :mad:

1: :mellow:

2: :verymad:

1: :mellow:

2: :wacko:

1: :mellow:

2: :pinch:

1: :mellow:

3: :nuke:

1: :mellow:

3: :pinch:


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well, I'm totally ticked off now lol


What's up?


If lv000 was here I'm sure he'd post cats for you. I can offer a pirate? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif

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Off I go into the real outdoors!


Off I go into the open space!


Off I go to another cities tavern!


Because I've shot up too many of the ones nearby in this place.


If only I could somehow have compassion,

for some alien who wants a price that was placed on my head.

If only I could see their reason,

to let them take me to that place where I am surely going to be dead.


Off I go into the wild blue yonder!


Off again into the sky!


I will find that guy who stole my last shipment,

before they have a chance to leave the holo-suite and close their eyes.


Now I know where the problem is here.


Now I know the reason *high note next* WHY!


I'm just another of Jobba the Hutt's childhood friends when he was a boy, *Sorry to interrupt this song but...question: is Jobba the Hutt a hermaphrodite? And now to continue where I left off.*

stuffed in the attic with all his others ,

kept for a day when he returns from Loan Shark School,

safe in his old chest of toys.


Finished. The End. I WIN!

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