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I have both Kotor 1 and 2 on disk format, bought them whenthey came out around 2003, that game was ahead of its time..


lol my geforce 4 had trouble playing it :teehee: back then :teehee:



I think mine was a geforce 4600, there was different models, makes and so on.. I think mine was med range. when the 4800 was high end.

nope i take it back, mine was the 4800, the red markings brought back memories :teehee: I had a decent rig back then :teehee:






http://www.gpureview.com/GeForce4-Ti4800SE-card-139.html memories, dude even when Oblivion came out i had this card, it ran it on medium, then i got gready :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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what ya making in flash, a worlds first full ly 3d rpg game that will rival even Skyrim, or even Crysis in Flash format, is that even possible :teehee: Edited by Thor.
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So I was dragged through three drainage pipes by my friend today... It was filled with spiderwebs :facepalm: Half the time I was just pelting spiders with rocks.


And did I mention it wasn't a guy like you'd think? :P


Oh, and my back hurts. :(


OMG! What a lucky guy you are!


Being dragged through the city waste pipes by a friend. Lucky you!

I just was told a story about where there were some unused city drain pipes and that there was a treasure of money stuffed in an old mattress that a mysterious hobo had who lived in the pipe near the great hydroelectric power plant.



Oh yeah, sooo lucky...


I found two golf clubs and a dead rat... Does putting the golf clubs crossed over the rat count as a good story? :P


Oh, and my back hurts. :(

tell me about it!!! :facepalm:

It's always lower back and not upper back too... It just has to be on the part you use more :pinch:


If you are like I was, I always bent over to pick at things instead of bending my knees to lower my self to get a better look. Probably thought something might have better chance at nipping me in the bud. So now I bend my knees more. Keeps my lower back from getting sore from all those reverse sit ups when standing up. I just rise up from the squatting position. Now all my days sore aches and pain is evenly distributed all the way up and down my spine.


So sweep out anything that might sneak up on you from now on and squat down to look at stuff. And don't forget t bend your elbow when you swing the golf club for a stronger strike. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

I had to bend both my back and my knees :P


Don't worry, I didn't have to kill anything with a club this time. Bad news is she just called me around 10 minutes ago and said she wants to go back in there :facepalm: The whole time I was thinking "Wha... But... We were just there..." So I'm probably going to have to go through them a second time.



I better take the win and let you get some rest until it is time for you to meet your new adventurous friend.



I'll take that win to my grave, sorry. And she's crazy... It was 110 out and she had me walking around with her around before AND after the little "adventure" we had. Currently I question my sanity.

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