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aaaah :( , its just me here. Waiting. Everybody's asleep, and i still cant sleep. so i guess i wait! :unsure:


Welcome to my life... fun isn't it? No???


Pretty much on 1 night in 2 I get any sleep at all at the minute. Starting to feel like The Machinist.




Hopefully it's not because I've killed someone and wiped it from my mind. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't do that sort of thing. Although as I said my memory is very selective so it's entirely possible.




Oh well, there's always doughnuts... and lullabys



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I have slept for ONE WHOLE HOUR!

And my ears are almost deaf because of too much loud Skrillex.


I regret nothing.



Yup, that's it. I feel like I should hug you for saying that. http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/h/huggle.gif

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No wonder I'm almost deaf. I had my headphones ALL the way up, bass boost too.

They are right beside me now, and they are so loud I could think they are speakers. And I had them right on my ears.


Not doing that ever again.

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how could your brain freeze, in such a weather??!! It must melt


How to get BRAIN FREEZE when it is 99 degree Fahrenheit/33 degrees Centigrade:

buy a jumbo Ice Cream milk shake and drink it way too fast.




Ok, I'll check them out. (I really like the design of that website)


Btw, this book is a science book. A very psychological science book. And I'm getting lost in it like crazy. I have been reading for 2 hours now and didn't realize that 2 hours have passed. Strange thing to say by a guy who didn't finish reading one book in his whole life.


I'm going to sleep now, I finally feel tired now. Night people.


Whispers, "What is the books title and authors name?"


DON'T WAKE UP TO ANSWER THAT! Just Answer the question when you are awake again.


well i didn't say that everybody thinks they're boring!

For example i my self love philosophy and history (especially russian)

and i still cant go to sleep!

I Don't know whats wrong with me?!



You know something you don't want to miss is going to happen and you don't want to go to sleep until it does?

Ah, you have something you want to find out and you think if you keep asking questions one of us will answer it correctly and then you will go to sleep?

Ah, you are so excited about an upcoming event you can't sleep?

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